I found this concept of Taking Stock on a fellow blogger’s site and thought it would be a great way for you to get to know me a little better…please feel free to post your “taking stock” responses in the comments section – I’d love to read it!

Cooking: a lot of soups lately since we have been having our version of cold weather. What’s not better than soup when it is chilly out?
Drinking: Right this minute I am drinking a tall iced coffee with soy and one sweet n low. I have been slowly weaning myself off of Starbucks because I would go there twice a day. NOT a good thing when you’re trying to reassess your spending! I have been loving iced green tea and hot tea as well these past few weeks.
Reading: Boy have I read some awesome books this month. Between The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus and Me Before You, I have super high expectations for all following novels! I am now reading a book for a review – stay tuned…it seems pretty good so far.
Wanting: to get our landscaping in the front of our house in order…I know that is probably boring to you but I look at it everyday and its not like I can do the work (ahem BABE….)
Looking: for a new blog design and logo. It has been so much fun so far, but when you give me too many options I get all flustered. In a good way of course. Stay tuned…
Playing: that stinking Pyramid card game app on my phone. Addicting but I will not allow myself to spend money on it (not like Farm Hero Saga where at the end of the month I would laugh at the amount of times I saw “Google Play” line items on my credit card statement).
Wasting: this is a hard one. I need to get back to you on this. LOL.
Sewing: hahahahahaha. Well no, I do have to sew a button on my sweater that popped off the other day.
Wishing: I was hanging out with my sister. I miss her 🙁
Enjoying: my time home. I’ve worked since I first got my worker’s permit – even before then I would babysit. It took a lot of getting used to but I now have a groove going and am really enjoying the time home and with the boys.
Waiting: For my Stitch Fix box. I’m lame, I know LOL.
Liking: the new series Togetherness. It’s funny and we needed a thirty minute show to add to the rotation so it was perfect.
Wondering: if I am ever going to get my Virtual Assistant business up and running. No, I will – I am on my way!
Loving: basically the same thing I am enjoying above
Hoping: that my TMJ is truly getting better
Marveling: at the fact that it is going to be a high of 90 today. Ridic.
Needing: to pick out my outfit for an upcoming conference. Totally procrastinating here.
Smelling: nothing much – I’m a bit stuffy now.
Wearing: during the day I wear workout clothes and usually my nights are filled with sporting events so that entails jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt and maybe a light jacket.
Following: I have found a lot of wonderful bloggers to follow this month.
Noticing: that my boys are growing up…too fast too.
Knowing: that I need to clean the cushions outside…they’ll be clean before Spring LOL
Thinking: about ISIS and how scary it all really is.
Feeling: generally good about everything!
Bookmarking: articles on social media, virtual assistance, books to read!
Opening: a new chapter of my life – scared but loving it at the same time.
Feeling: the first word that came to mind is Happy (followed by me humming Pharrell). The second word is Awesome (followed by that annoying Lego song).
Kim says
I love posts like this – so fun!!!
Me Before You was such a great book!!!
And, soup is definitely on the menu a lot here with the snow and cold!!!
Dana says
Kim, are there any other books you would recommend?