These superfoods are proven disease fighters and energy boosters. You probably already eat and love most of these foods and didn’t even know that you were!

Broccoli | 200% of your daily recommended dose of vitamin C & 100% of your daily recommended dose of vitamin K are in one medium stalk! At the same time, it helps keep away many forms of cancer! | The best way to cook is via the microwave. If you steam or boil it, you are only keeping about 66% of its nutrients as opposed to 90%. |
Potatoes | Red potatoes contain folate. One sweet potato contains about 8x the recommended dose of vitamin A, which is both immune-boosting and cancer fighting! | After making your potato, let it cool before you eat it. Research shows that if you do, you can burn nearly 25% more fat after a meal (thanks to the starch). |
Avocados | The fats in this delicious food help to lower cholesterol by 22%. Want to reduce heart disease? Avocado gives you more than half of your daily fiber intake and 40% of folate! | Toss some avocado into your salads to absorb beta-carotene more efficiently from the other salad ingredients. |
Lemons | Help out your good “HDL” cholesterol by including one lemon in your meal. It also strengthens bones! The flavonoids found in lemons help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. | Add lemon to your water, or better yet – green tea. If you add it to the green tea, there is an 80% increase in the absorption of the tea’s antioxidants! |
Dark Chocolate | ¼ oz can helpt o reduce blood pressure – delicious and nutritious! | Go for the dark over the milk – dark chocolate has a lot more flavonoids than its milk cousin…those flavonoids help to decrease your LDLs. |
Walnuts | Of all nuts, the walnut contains the most omega-3 fatty acids – a cholesterol reducer. Omega-3’s also fight cancer and improve moods. | If you eat walnuts as part of your dessert, you may sleep better! The melatonin on them help to regulate sleep. |
Spinach | Your eyes will thank you – Popeye’s favorite food contains two important immune-boosting anti-oxidants known to help eye sight, lutein and zeaxanthin. | Add it to a smoothie to get your RDA – it is tasteless, I promise! |
Garlic | Garlic contains allicin, which works as an anti-inflammatory and also helps lower cholesterol. | Crush the garlic for the most amount of allicin. Also, don’t leave it in the heat too long – it may lose its important nutrients! |
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