I found this concept of Taking Stock on a fellow blogger's site and thought it would be a great way for you to get to know me a little better...please feel free to post your "taking stock" responses in the comments section - I'd love to read it! … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
10 Uses For Tea Other Than Drinking
I would like more than anything to substitute my tall iced coffee, soy and one sweet n low with tea but I can't seem to get myself to do so. Even to the point of buying my husband a cool electric tea maker for Christmas (see ladies...there are ways … [Read more...]
8 Delicious Superfoods
These superfoods are proven disease fighters and energy boosters. You probably already eat and love most of these foods and didn't even know that you were! SUPERFOOD DID YOU KNOW… COOL TIP Broccoli 200% of … [Read more...]
October Birchbox Reveal!
This post is coming to you a bit later than usual. By accident, my Birchbox was not mailed out to me on time. I received email correspondence from the company promptly after they realized, apologizing for the delay and offering me another 100 … [Read more...]
Ways to Boost Energy
Whether you are a full-time working mom, part-time working mom, or a stay at home mom - you know what I mean! Monday through Friday is a BIG blur (throw in travel and it becomes a whirlwind). For me, a typical weekday is: Wake up, get ready, get … [Read more...]