I’ve saved what I’ve dubbed as “the best for last”. That is purely my opinion but I have to say – Santa Monica was my all time most favorite spot during the vacation. It wasn’t that I didn’t like San Diego or Newport Beach. There was just something special about Santa Monica.
On our way to Santa Monica we stopped in LA to check out the street art in the, appropriately located, Arts District. Everywhere we go on vacation, we always look up the hot spots to find street art. I’ve even gotten my husband hooked – to the point that he’s started his own Instagram account (Mr. I Don’t Care About Social Media) and really enjoys sharing his street art pics and seeing others’.
Here are some of my favorite pieces (there were so many!)
We grabbed some burgers at Umami Burger and then headed toward Hollywood.
The boys needed to exert some pent up energy so we stopped at Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles for a bit.
I loved this little lady sitting on a nearby bench, reading her book and just enjoying the day. I want to be her one day.
After the playground we headed to Hollywood where I walked Rodeo Drive (as my husband drove around with two napping little guys).
Once the boys woke up, we checked out the infamous Hollywood sign and then headed to Dave & Busters for dinner and video games. We had to drag the boys out of there – whenever there is the opportunity to trade in tickets for prizes it takes FOREVER to decide on what to get. Luckily, we didn’t miss the sunset over the Hollywood Hills.

The next morning we ate a quick breakfast at the local IHOP (the boys chose this time) and then drove up PCH to Malibu to take in the sites. The houses along the rode were beautiful, and once again each one was different than the next.
After an hour or so of driving up PCH, the boys got a bit antsy so we stopped at a nearby park in Malibu to stretch our legs.

After the park, it was straight to the Santa Monica beach for some fun in the sun and sand. We walked for what seemed like forever to get near the water – the beach itself was so huge. The water was brisk to say the least, but that didn’t stop my little men from jumping right in.

It was definitely time to take a quick nap and get ready for dinner and some fun on the Santa Monica Pier. The boys loved the amusement park on the pier – how cool is it that there’s a ferris wheel, roller coaster, and many other rides and carnival games all ON a pier?!
We spent the majority of the day at a beach in Malibu, playing in the sand and relaxing, while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
We stopped for lunch at Wahoo’s – you have to try their fish tacos! After washing the sand from ourselves, I met my long-time friend from high school for coffee and to catch up while the boys hit the amusement rides on the pier again.
I love the friends that you don’t see for a long period of time and then sit down to coffee years later, and still have that comfortableness like old times. Jen joined us for dinner that evening and was quizzed on practically every baseball stadium name by my little guy.
I’m so sad to say this was the end of our trip to California, especially Santa Monica. We had to wake up super early to catch our flight back to the east coast.
I definitely recommend a trip to California with (or without) kids. From the San Diego Zoo and Knott’s Berry Farm to the beaches and parks, we ALL had a great time! You know how I know the boys really enjoyed themselves? They keep asking when we are going to go back!
What was your favorite family vacation?
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