I walked into the theater knowing that there were very mixed reviews of Jem and the Holograms movie. As I usually do, I kept an open mind, grabbed a bag of popcorn and took my seat.
This movie was a far departure from the 80’s cartoon series that I grew up watching (I totally just dated myself). Here are some of the differences I found:
- I didn’t get to hear the theme song, “Truly Outrageous”.
- Synergy wasn’t the same synthesizer character as in the series either – she’s now a robot that Jerrica’s dad built.
- The Misfits were a no-show :).
- Eric Raymond is now EricA (played by Juliette Lewis).
Social media and its influence on our children’s lives today is apparent throughout. YouTube videos of kids showing off their musical talents, more than likely in hopes of being recognized, are scattered in between scenes – including the water-skiing squirrel (you’ll see what I mean if you watch it).
The main characters – Jerrica, Kimber, Shana and Aja – are four teenagers (you really don’t know how old they are) who live with their Aunt Bailey, played by Molly Ringwald. She looks good – but I do have to admit seeing her playing an aunt and not Sam Baker in Sixteen Candles made me feel a bit old.
They all possess musical talent and all but Jerrica are comfortable in front of the video camera. One night Jerrica decides to video herself singing a song, which then gets posted to YouTube (unbeknownst to her) and goes viral. Their lives change from this point forward.
Reviewers were arguing that this is so unrealistic and are concerned as to the message that it is sending to the young girls watching the movie. My opinion is that it’s a movie. As long as you explain to your children that what happens in movies is fiction, not real, imaginary – then I don’t see why you shouldn’t bring your daughter (teenager) to see this.
This movie was intended to speak to the tween generation – the YouTubers, Snapchatters, etc. – as well as my generation (for nostalgic purposes). Although a bit stretched, it does express the intention that you should strive to do what you truly want to do, and what makes you happy.

The songs were catchy and the costumes were modern 80’s. My final say – it was a decent movie. I feel that they could’ve added more to the story, giving a bit more of a spotlight on the girls’ talent. It’s not the same Jem that I knew but I feel that if they made a movie exactly like the cartoon it would be so outdated and not aptly geared toward today’s tweens.
Here’s the preview in case you haven’t already seen it!
Mandi says
As someone who wasn’t a big Jem fan in the 80’s, I am excited to see if I enjoy this movie more. 😀 Going to wait until its a rental and then check it out! thanks for the review!
Dana says
The movie is definitely more “hip” than the cartoon from the 80’s. I’m curious to see what others think of it – definitely better off renting than buying a movie ticket. Enjoy Mandi!
Rae says
What??!!! No Misfits!
Jem was must-see TV for me. I had the dolls. My favorites were the Misfit dolls. I bet my Jetta doll is still around somewhere.
I was expecting to be the audience for this—but I guess it makes more sense to have the targeted age group teenagers and early 20-somethings. Which clearly I am not.
I will wait for Netflix, thank you!
Dana says
Yay, I found a kindred soul! I loved the Misfits too and I think I still have Jetta (probably in the same box with all of my other naked Barbie dolls LOLOL).
I think that they wanted to pull our generation in to see the movie BUT the main target is tweens. I’d love to hear what you have to say about it once you watch it!
Angie Scheie says
But did they have to leave Truly Outrageous out? I’m glad I found another blogger who grew up with Jem though!! I actually dressed up as her 2 years ago, and secretly want to see this even if I don’t have kids yet.
Dana says
I know, I was a bit bummed about not hearing Truly Outrageous 🙁 You should definitely see it!!
Barrie says
HA! I had to comment! I was thinking of taking my girls next week, and now…I may not. I don’t love the preview- and I hadn’t seen it! They have been replaying the old cartoons like crazy on my cable, and I have loved watching with my 10 year old, who thinks it is current-ish! I think I would be disappointed too, not to have the Misfits especially- they were central to the plot of every episode! This is a fun post- brings me back a bit!
Dana says
So glad you liked the post Barrie! I would stick to the cartoons for now too. The movie is a good plan-B one night when you are home looking for something to watch on cable or DVD.