Since today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, below are some ideas of things you can do to spread the kindness! (Although I recommend kindness every day, today I’m going to go a bit above and beyond!)

- First and foremost, smile at people as you pass them in the store, office, anywhere. Not to sound cheesy but I always find that a smile brightens my day. Seriously!
- Volunteer to pick up trash at a local park or beach.
- Pay it forward and buy the person behind you in line a coffee or snack. Starbucks is notorious for this!
- Send someone you care about a little note (email, text) telling them how much they mean to you, that you’re thinking of them!
- If you can, make a small monetary donation to the charity of your choice.
- Volunteer an hour or so at a local charity.
- Give a bottle of cold water to the crossing guard, bus driver, gas attendant.
- Let someone go in front of you on line whether it is at the supermarket or the highway.
- If you go out to eat today and you can do it, leave a bit more of a tip with a smiley face on the receipt.
- Post a nice comment on someone’s blog. hee hee
- Thank your coworkers and/or employees for doing a great job.
- Send out a care package to the troops overseas.
- Clean your room. Could someone please tell my boys about this one?
- Donate books to the local library or shelter.
There are SO MANY MORE ways you can show kindness…please share your ideas below!
Earl-Leigh says
I had no idea! I try to spread kindness anyway because I want my kiddo to have a giving nature. These are all great ideas! I work on a college campus so I may buy some of these “kids” coffee to help with their late night studies.
Dana says
That would be a really nice thing for you to do for the students! I paid it forward on the Starbucks line today 🙂
Mistle says
Love all of these Dana! I had someone in front of me pay for my Starbucks before and I was so happy by the act of kindness (of course I returned it). I also love volunteering at a local charity. All of these are such great suggestions. Random acts of kindness go a long way in my book!
Dana says
Thanks Mistle! Last Mother’s Day we went to dinner with my parents and were seated at a hibachi table with a lady and her daughter. They were so nice, she is a single mom and my sons were having a nice time with her daughter too. My parents treated her to dinner.
Nicole says
I don’t usually give up anything for Lent (bad Christian?). Instead, I try to do one good thing a day. It can be as simple as picking up a tot’s shoe for a mother with her hands full or something more charitable – something that I wouldn’t do.
Dana says
Nicole, you are too funny. No, of course it doesn’t make you a bad Christian for not giving up anything for Lent. The fact that you do one good thing a day is 300x better!!!
Debonita @elegantlyfashionable says
Love doing charity and thanking you coworkers. Love the random act of kindness post. I have always been thinking of donating books to my local library but never came around to do so. I will make an effort for sure now
Dana says
Thanks Debonita! You can also donate your books to the local hospital – they are always looking for books!