Stella has most definitely made herself at home over the past 3 months. Her quirky puppy ways make us smile and keep us on our toes all the time! She has a tendency of getting herself into some stinky situations, so I researched and found some of the best dog grooming supplies.
Stella is a golden doodle – a mix between a poodle and a golden retriever. She has hair, not fur, and does not shed, but requires regular hair cuts – about every 6-8 weeks.
The products below are perfect for any breed!
Splish Splash – Bath Time!
I am grateful that Stella doesn’t mind taking a shower (bathing in a tub is another story). One of my favorite “human” brands, Kiehl’s, now makes the best dog shampoo and rinse. The mix of chamomile and glycerin helps to moisturize the pup’s coat, keeping it super soft.
Other notable shampoos and rinses are below:
Towel Time!
Slicker Brushes
These brushes look the most “painful” to me (but they aren’t – unless you accidentally jab yourself with it). The fine, short wires help to remove mats in medium to long-haired or curly-haired dogs such as golden retrievers, poodles, yorkshire terriers, st. bernards, and cocker spaniels. The longer the hair, the more of an opportunity for matting and knots.
Bristle Brushes
If you have a frequent shedder, then you need one of these brushes in your collection. Used mainly for smooth coated pups, the tight clusters of bristles help to remove loose hairs. Italian Greyhounds, Pugs, and Jack Russell Terriers are just a few breeds that can benefit from a bristle brush.
Sounds scary, right? I wonder who named these brushes BUT the name makes sense. Rakes are designed to brush through thick coats to remove tangles and undercoat. It essentially rakes through the coat. Look for a rake that has pins the same (or as close to) length as your dog’s thick coat. German Shepherds and Chows are perfect candidates for a rake.
Pin Brushes
Pin brushes look the most like a brush you or I would use. Although they don’t really benefit your pet’s coat as they just pick up loose hair at the top of the coat, they are the most well-known.
Dog Wipes
If Stella wants to hang with us on the couch or cuddle in bed, her paws need to be wiped after galavanting outside. You can use conventional wet wipes or baby wipes, but I worry about the chemicals. (Stella licks her paws at times and I can only imagine what the poop situation would be like afterward.). These are some of the must-have dog grooming supplies to keep by the front door!
Dog Nail Clippers
Dog nails grow FAST. If they aren’t consistently walking on pavement, which helps to grind down their nails a smidge, you are going to have to cut them at some point. You could always bring them to the groomer or nicely ask the vet at the next appointment, but we like to have a pair handy just in case. NOTE: there is a vein within each of your pup’s nails that you need to be cautious of. It is called a “quick”, and there are ways to make it recede.

We use a grinder, which takes a little bit of getting used to (for Stella, not us). Here are some great clipper and grinder options:
Dog Grooming Supplies Debunked!
I’ve also created an Amazon Storefront with a lot of the items mentioned above!
What dog grooming supplies do you use to keep your dog looking and smelling fabulous?
Nyxie says
Great suggestions. We have a cat so bathing isn’t a regular thing but we still have similar brushes etc for her!
Dana says
Nyxie, I once tried to give my cat a shower – never again! LOL
Fae Celine says
We give our chowchow a bath every week but this morning we took him to the groomer to trim and style his fur. These are great grooming supplies for dogs. My favorite is definitely the dog towels
Dana says
Chowchows are gorgeous dogs and do require a lot of grooming! I’m sure the towels come in handy when bathing!
Adreanne says
I’m not a pet owner yet, but this is good for when I buy my future, furry baby. Thanks for the tips!
Dana says
My pleasure Adreanne!
Joanna says
I had no idea that there were so many types of dog brushes on the market, each with a different use. The nail clipper is very handy, no pet needs to struggle with long claws. I use one for my cat’s claws every week.
Natalie says
Stella is adorable! While I don’t have a dog, I definitely plan on it in the future so this is super helpful!
Alvin says
Stella is so adorable. I never knew that there are a lot of brushes for different dog coats. We where planning to adopt a dog soon and this post will help us know what supplies to get.
Dana says
Thank you! She’s a doll. I wish you luck with your new puppy!
Jasmine M says
I didn’t even know dog grooming wipes were a thing. I am definitely going to have to buy some for my dog. Thanks for this!
Dana says
I know! There’s something for anything you can imagine when it comes to pets 🙂
fashionandstylepolice says
Lovely dog items here. Great for dog owners. I didn’t know dogs had their own wipes. Good to know.
Dana says
There’s just about anything you can imagine for pets!
Mommy Peach says
Thanks for compiling this list. I will make sure to keep these products in mind when we get a dog.
Mommy Sigrid says
Nice list! We don’t have a dog. We cannot afford the care and nobody really has the time to take care of him. My daughter wants one though.
Dana says
I completely understand your stance on pets. They are a huge responsibility and added cost.
Lindsay L says
Stella is such a cute Goldendoodle!
Dana says
Thank you, Lindsay! I think so too 😉
Dani Flanders says
Our dogs have super short fur, so we don’t have to worry too much about heavy grooming with them, but it’s still great to have a good shampoo and nail trimmers no matter what kind of dog you have!
Jennifer S Walker says
I had no idea kiehls had a dog shampoo! I’ll have to pick some up for my girls. I need paw wipes too as one of my dogs keeps wanting to get into the dirt and it’s always on (only, thankfully!) her paws).
Cindy Ingalls says
I’m a big fan of dog wipes. They are a nice option for in-between baths or if your pup gets a little extra messy.
Dana says
So true, Cindy! Romps in the mud call for their paws to be wiped for sure!
Patricia M. says
Stella is a cute pie, she looks like my dog Kona, he is also a golden doodle. I love the wipes for in between baths. I need to try the shower method since Kona is not a big fan of the bath either.
Nicole says
Oh that rake is such a good idea! I never thought about that before! I’ll have to keep that in mind for when I get a dog.
Dana says
The rake really helps with knotted fur!
Stacie says
I have a bristle brush for my two weiner dogs. They really do work wonders on their coats.
Jessie says
I’m going to be honest. I didn’t know dog wipes existed. And my dog is 8!!!! I love this list, thanks for compiling it. Love the pictures of your little pup!
Dana says
Jessie, I didn’t know either until we got Stella (and she’s like the 4th dog I’ve owned!).
joy says
thanks for the shampoo recommendation. i am actually in the market for one.
Joy at The Joyous Living
littlemisadvencha says
these are all must-have! 🙂 the dog is super cute… <3
cha @
Ntensibe Edgar Michael says
Nniiicceeee….for now, I think I will need the Bamboo palm brush, the most.
Heather says
We usually take our puppy to the groomer, but we’ve been discussing the idea of trying to groom her ourselves. This is a great start!
Fatima Torres says
That bamboo brush would be perfect for our husky. His coat gets EVERYWHERE during shedding season.
Angela Milnes says
A good brush goes a long way. It has really helped me to keep them dirt and bug free for the most part!
Emman Damian says
Wow! There’s so many dog grooming supplies to choose from. Thanks for these tips! I learned a lot!
Emman Damian says
Wow! There’s so many dog grooming supplies to choose from. Thanks for these tips! I learned a lot! Thank you!
Autumn says
I am actually looking at changing up our dog’s grooming supplies and appreciate your suggestions. Thank you!
Dana says
I’m glad my suggestions came in handy!
emily zielinski says
I find these nail clippers also work well on rabbits too.
Subhashish Roy says
Stella is so cute and am happy that she has settled down. Would love to follow her stirues and on her grooming.
Melanie williams says
My friend will love you for this article. Her dogs are number one and I wil wing this her way x
Subhashish Roy says
Stories I mean.
angelina says
What a cute and lovely doggy stella is. Adorable! Thanks for sharing.
BCP Veterinary Pharmacy says
Great list of grooming supplies!
Heena says
Yeah, we should make our pets feel special.
Nicely written blog
Thanks for sharing this.
Keep it up 🙂
Dana says
Glad you enjoyed the article, Heena!
Ricky Flynn says
How do I know which product is the best among the ones listed here?
Dana says
All of them are items I have used in the past or have heard amazing reviews about!
Afton Jackson says
I like that you advised brushes with short wires. Our pet schnauzer Matilda gets hurt when we use long wired brushes. It would be nice if a pet wellness service nearby can help us trim her hair.
Tara says
A rake is a MUST HAVE for my small pom! Her coat is ridiculously thick omg! We still take her to the groomer though, it takes a pro to get allll that undercoat out before it mats!
Dana says
Yes! It’s so important to find the right brush for each breed. I’d love to see a pic of your super cute pom!
ayoub benjiri says
It is great that you are getting advice like this out there as a professional, experienced groomer! It does make a difference when someone knows what they are doing. Our pets deserve the best! It is surprising that there isn’t any licensing involved with grooming.