You will never hear that there is nothing to eat when you venture to Las Vegas (just as you will never hear that there's nothing to do). From world-famous Pink's hotdogs to Le Cirque or Guy Savoy, there is something for everyone. Gone are the … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
Holiday Party Planning Tips: From Prep to Post-Party Clean-up!
Holiday parties are a blast. There is a lot that goes into party planning, and it doesn’t end when the party is over! From the planning, to prepping, to the POST-party cleaning it is imperative to have everything planned out perfectly. Here are some … [Read more...]
13 Little Known Facts About Cucumbers
I love cucumbers! Whether they are on a sandwich, in a salad, alone with a dash of salt or in my beverage, they are by far my favorite vegetable. I always wondered why people put cucumber slices on their eyes to reduce swelling - what is in the … [Read more...]
My WILD Time at Lion Country Safari and Dunkin’ Donuts!
**Please note that although I received admission to Lion Country Safari and lunch from Dunkin' Donuts, all opinions are 100% my own. I had a blast! I was so excited when I was asked to take a behind-the-scenes tour of Lion Country Safari in … [Read more...]
As summertime begins and families head to the beach, the park, the mountains and other favorite spots in the great outdoors, it’s a good time to remember there are easy ways to celebrate our love of Mother Nature by throwing a green party. Step 1: … [Read more...]
Gluten-Free Traditional Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese
One of my favorite comfort dishes is tomato soup with grilled cheese - I loved to dunk my sandwich into the tomato soup, even thinking about it makes me hungry! Once I found out that I have gluten sensitivity, my hopes of continuing to eat this … [Read more...]
Healthy Lunch Ideas
Every weekday morning when I come downstairs, I think the same thing - I don't have anything in the house to bring for lunch. At the beginning of every weekend, I have good intentions when I note that I need to get lunch food from the supermarket … [Read more...]
Another favorite weeknight recipe is the chopped salad. It allows for so much versatility and you can tailor it to your own personal tastes. We usually make ours with the following ingredients: Romaine lettuce, cleaned and chopped Red … [Read more...]