Pi, also known as the number 3.14159265358979323, is the ratio of a circle’s diameter to its circumference. The circumference of a circle is a bit bigger than three times its diameter…hence pi or π!
In honor of today being the once-in-a-lifetime event of Pi Day’s date TOTALLY matching up with the actual number (3/14/15…3.1415…), I wanted to share some cool ways you can celebrate this day!
The first thing that comes to my mind is…bake a pie! Now, I am the farthest from being a baker BUT I did dabble in baking last Thanksgiving when my husband and I made gluten-free pumpkin cheesecake. It was delicious and we did use a pie crust, so does that count? (recipe to follow in a future post)
Read Sir Circumference and the Dragon of Pi with your family!
Teachers Pay Teachers offers a great printable packet to make learning about Pi fun for the kids!
How cute is this t-shirt that you can make at home?
Ally Fiesta says
That shirt is TOO cute! 🙂
Dana says
I love it too! I never thought there would be a day – and crafts – designed around something I learned in math class! 🙂
Agy says
You know before I knew there was a Pi Day I only could remember Pi as being 3.14 but NOW I remember it up to 3.141592653 because our local science centre decided to open their doors at 9.26.53 hours that day! I thought that was great 🙂
Dana says
That is a GREAT way to memorize more of Pi!!