Now that I am working from home, people always ask me what I do to fill my day. First, I smirk and think back to the times I wished that I could work from home - that I'd have time to eat bonbons and watch HGTV all day. That I would take a nap … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
OK, so this is not my planned post for today BUT I received an email that H&M is offering 30% off their sale prices and thought you needed to know. It is today (November 18th) only, so I recommend you check their site out post haste! I've … [Read more...]
Online Shopping: The Wish List
I like to consider myself somewhat of a pro when it comes to online shopping. The convenience is bar-none the number one reason, with budget being a close second. One feature that I like, when shopping online, is the Wish List. Use the wish list! … [Read more...]
May the Fourth Be With You!
Did you know that today is Star Wars Day? I never even knew this day existed until I read about it in an email this week! Today is the day that all Star Wars fans honor the great films and support the Star Wars culture. How did today get its … [Read more...]
The Mom Song
The biggest fan of my blog has got to be my mom! I know that she will read every one of my blog posts, will comment on about 95% of them, and I love that she does. Randomly throughout the week, I will get an email from my mom, with the subject … [Read more...]
Food Confusion
For the past month and a half I have been on a food sensitivity diet, policing whatever I ate. It was hard. Notice WAS in that last sentence. Now, I am not a quitter so please don't judge. I am a born and bred worrier and sitting there trying to … [Read more...]
Calling All Book Lovers!
I forgot how I stumbled upon PaperBackSwap...but I am sure glad that I did! I love to read. PaperBackSwap allows for you to post the books that you have completed reading, and in turn, you can "shop" for books posted by other members that you … [Read more...]
I Highly Recommend
I don't know about you, but I hate watching the news. The stories are wither depressing, or boring, or inconsequential. I am a subscriber to the digital edition of the NY Times, which for a while has been my go-to for news. Then I found....The … [Read more...]
Checking Your List…Holiday Card List, That Is!
'Tis the season...for mailing out holiday cards! At the same time that I find this a little bit of a chore, I still love it. I am the person that sends, via snail mail, birthday cards and anniversary cards (I try...that one is a bit harder to … [Read more...]