Be it a room in your house, your new home office, or a closet – organization has become an integral part of our lives over the past few weeks.
I always ask myself, “Is this the most practical/best way to store XYZ?” or have a tendency to organize a closet, putting things away to never find them again (or find them ages later).
Imagine you had the help of an expert – someone who could guide you as to the optimal way to organize and declutter (without losing sight of what you have)!
Meet Jess McGillicuddy Organization Guru!
I am super happy to introduce this week’s womanpreneur, Jess. I feel like we all have that one space that needs Jess’s magic.
When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
How did you come up with the idea for your business?
What is the biggest struggle you’ve encountered as an entrepreneur and how did you solve it?
What do you think are the pros and cons of being a womanpreneur?

Do you have any mentors or coaches that you work with?
What advice would you give to someone reading this that has the entrepreneurial “itch”?

What is the secret to achieving work-life balance for you?

How do you find inspiration?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite quote?
What do you do to decompress?
Tea or coffee?
Favorite flower?
Connect with Jess!

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