Today I’m going to introduce you to a good friend of mine, Nikki Guinoo. Recently married and newly licensed as a Realtor®, Nikki also is a certified home stager. I wish I knew her back when I was selling my previous home! She is chock full of great info for anyone getting ready to put their house on the market. Here are Nikki’s Top 5 Home Staging MUSTs to sell your home faster.
As a new home buyer a couple of years back, I was unaware of how powerful home staging could be. I became aware of it quickly after seeing the first two or three homes and not knowing the word for it, but knew I was instantly turned off – not by the house per say, but by what was in the house, the placement of items, the clutter and even the cleanliness. I would have maybe given more homes a chance if I didn’t feel the urgent need to run out the front door because of the wall color, smell or the placement of décor that could have easily been fixed.
Needless to say, my husband and I found our dream home and after finding the word I had been searching for, “Home Staging”, I actually decided to become certified. I felt would be doing myself as well as potential sellers a disservice by not sharing my talents with something that comes so natural to me.
I’ve put together a mini-list of what are truly the top five things you can do to spruce up your home and put potential buyers at ease as they walk through the place you’ve called home for god knows how many years, and dare I say it? Analyze and judge every nook and cranny of it.
Please, Please, Please DECLUTTER.
No one wants to walk into a place they may be calling “home” one day and see a bunch of junk laying around or on bookshelves. I’m being honest folks, it’s true. No one wants to see the ten family picture frames on EVERY table or the bookshelves with hundreds of books on them. Every seller needs to look around their home and take 50% of what’s laying around in the kitchen, the bathroom vanities, the bookshelves, or on the walls and find a place for them or get rid of what doesn’t serve a purpose. All of that clutter distracts potential home buyers of noticing the beautiful lighting, or the beautiful backsplash in the kitchen, or the fact that a room looks smaller than it actually is, when really it’s a decent size space but who can tell?
Landscaping Anyone?
What do people see when they drive up to a potential home? Yes, of course! The landscaping! I’m not saying we all have to be Martha Stewart and have a green thumb but anyone can cut the grass down (or make their husband do it!) and do a little weeding and trimming. It’s so simple, but so may sellers are too busy concentrating on the inside that they forget the outside is just as, if not more important.
Let there be Light!
All windows in the home, and I mean all, need to have the drapes or blinds up when potential buyers are coming to look at the place. My personal preference, is to take off the drapes and blinds altogether. Natural light makes rooms look bigger and more vibrant, and without window coverings the home takes on a fresher, cleaner look. If there is furniture or something covering or cutting off a window – MOVE it. The worst thing you can do is put a bed or couch in front of a window. This makes the room appear darker and smaller. If you have huge windows accentuate them! Windows can be a huge selling feature especially if you have a pool, waterfront views or live on a golf course. Work those windows!
Walls Walls Walls
Wall color changes the look and feel of a home. For instance, if you have purple walls in the living room, people may assume the home is dated or even older than it is. That thought sticks with people and within a few seconds, the home, is classified to the potential buyer as the house with purple walls – instead of the house with the gorgeous chef’s kitchen or the home with the huge master bath. In any home, a neutral color is best. If the home is in fact dated, neutral colors can actually make them appear less so, in a fairly cheap and easy way. There are many different varieties of neutral colors at Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore. These paint brands look beautiful once painted and in my opinion, have the richest color tones to choose from.
Is Something Baking?
A smell of a home is crucial. Even if your home smells fine and you don’t think this section is for you – THINK AGAIN. Everyone goes a little nose blind to their own home. It happens. But it’s so quick and easy to light a candle (good smelling candles, people!) or even better to throw some cookies in the oven. When potential buyers walk through, even if they don’t know it, they want an inviting smell. Give them something that smells so pleasant, they take even more time looking around than they normally would.
I hope Nikki’s tips help you for the next time you are ready to put your house on the market! You can connect with Nikki via:

Website – Twitter – Facebook – Instagram – LinkedIn
Feel free to leave any questions for Nikki in the comments below!
Theresa says
These are great tips! I’ve been looking to buy a home for a while, and I completely agree! All of these things matter a lot to the buyer.
Dana says
Good luck in your home buying process!
Roxy says
Gosh I couldn’t agree wit this more! As my honey and I have started thinking about buying a house, I try really hard to look past clutter, disgusting paint choices, and raggedy yards, but it’s SUPER hard. Thus far, the homes we’ve been able to really see ourselves in have been VERY well staged. I know that if ever I am selling a home I will be investing in home staging!
Dana says
That’s the hard part – looking past the paint and flooring that might not be your taste. Hey, if you live in South Florida, you should connect with Nikki! 😉 Good luck in your home search and remember to look at the bones of the home!
Jasmine says
I would love a job staging homes! Such a creative job
Dana says
Nikki has a love for interior design and with her career in real estate, it was a perfect route for her! You could totally do it Jasmine!
Meghan says
These are good tips, especially the open windows one. Does she have any suggestions about actually having drapes versus shutters?
Dana says
Thanks – I will ask Nikki and get right back to you!
Nicole Guinoo says
Glad you all enjoyed my tips! Staging is so much fun 🙂
Meghan, in response to your comment, I think it depends on the room. I think drapes look nice in bedrooms, dining rooms and family rooms. I do tend to gravitate toward drapes and sheers more than blinds. Blinds look nice if they are of good quality, I love the way the wood blinds look – especially on a kitchen window.
Most importantly, keep in mind that sellers ultimately like to see a home that is “light and bright”.
Always use your best judgement when picking out anything for your home – you know it best!
Ashleigh says
This is fantastic, as I’m getting ready to sell my house soon! I was just going through today trying to stage curtain rooms. Thanks for sharing all these great tips!
Dana says
Thanks Ashleigh! I am glad this post was useful 🙂
Keating says
Awesome tips! My mom always did these types of things whenever we were in the moving process and I never understood it until I got married and my husband and I started looking at homes. It just makes it so much easier to see the potential of the space and to see yourself living there. Great scents and lack of clutter are always big ones for me!
Dana says
Yes, clutter is a huge thing for me as well…even now in my home – I see clutter and I want to run the other way.
Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
I am not moving until my kids are grown, but love these tips. They will help tons of people.
Dana says
I don’t blame you for not wanting to move any time soon – it is a huge undertaking!
Abby says
I have to confess that everything I know about home staging I learned from HGTV shows, and since my husband and I moved into our “forever” home last year, I hope to never move again. But I love these tips, and I especially love to bake, so I’ll be sure to offer my services next time a friend sells a house 🙂
Dana says
Abby I am an HGTV addict! That is super kind of you to offer your baking services should a friend need them – do you live anywhere near me? 😉
Carol Cassara says
Many people don’t realize how important it is to get rid of all their favorite knick knacks. All of your ideas here are tested and work well. Good advice to anyone selling.
Dana says
Thank you Carol – I will pass the compliment on to Nikki! When I was selling my previous home it was hard to pack up my knick knacks but I understood why – and do think it helped a lot for the future buyers.
Michelle Gwynn Jones says
The best part of staging is the decluttering, gets rid of all that stuff you should have done something with before.
Dana says
YES! Michelle I love the decluttering aspect of it!
Amy Jones says
Yes! i hate the clutter, and i really like whe the seller serves some canapes, or even some cheesesticks!
Dana says
Maybe a glass of wine too 😉
Christie says
This is great! I recently went to a home-open and there was mess EVERYWHERE. Stepping on crap and not even being able to see your own reflection in the mirrors really turned me off of the place. It’s like they just didn’t care, I walked out almost immediately. Making sure your house is de-cluttered, and CLEAN (common sense, yeesh) is so important!
Christie’s Take on Life. x
Dana says
Sounds like a terrible showing! Ewww I can’t even imagine what those mirrors looked like 🙁
Angie Scheie says
great points! I like to put a tsp of vanilla in a mug in the oven on low for 30 min. makes the house smell great without worrying about people with candle sensitivities!
Dana says
Angie that sounds like a great idea…I think I may do that even though I’m not selling my home. Such an awesome alternative to candles.
Elizabeth O. says
I’ve never tried selling a house before, but I understand why these are important. It’s definitely better to have a clean looking, welcoming home when you’re trying to entertain buyers. I love the tips!
Dana says
Exactly, Elizabeth! I don’t know how people could feel confident when showing their home if it is all cluttered and dirty! So glad you liked the tips!
Ana Fernandez says
The last tips is essential! Even if you dont know or like cooking. !
Dana says
You would make the best home stager with your fabulous baking!!
Rosey says
My realtor told me to bake apple pie, lol. I didn’t, but it was a good idea and it made me laugh.
Dana says
LOL, it is funny when you think of it at first but the yummy smell of apple pie would make the potential buyer comfy in the home maybe!
Lalia Frolick says
All of these definitely make sense. Great tips! They’re aspects I’ve thought about when it comes to smart ways to prepare for selling a home. Thank you for sharing.
Dana says
Thanks Lalia!
Lisa Rios says
Some wonderful tips that could be helpful to many around trying to sell their home. I agree de-cluttering is so important to clear some mess & coloring the walls to perfection is so important as well.
Dana says
Thanks for stopping by Lisa!
Jenn says
What great tips! I wouldn’t have even thought to light candles or have something baking. Definitely will keep that in mind when we sell our home!
Dana says
Thanks Jenn! I love finding out about cool tips like those as well.
Mardene Carr says
Oh yes it is very important. Nothing turns me off more than looking at an apartment/house and it is not properly staged.
Cindy Magee says
Such great tips! I get crazy looking through zillow or seeing the houses that could look great but seem horrible because of all the stuff and wall colors and some even have mounted deer heads. I’m from Arkansas and come from a family of hunters/fishermen which I’m good with but please people, pack personal stuff up!!!!!!!
Dana says
LOLOLOL, you are so right Cindy! I honestly believe that some people do not believe that their personal items could be considered clutter or impact a buyer’s decision to purchase.
Hannah Adkins says
These are great tips! I would definitely declutter, and bake a pie – or at least buy an awesome pie baking smell candle 🙂
Dana says
LOL, I am more of the buying the candle that smells like a pie person 😉 If I baked a pie, it might not come out that good!
Alex Morgan says
When I decided to sell my home in Houston, I was terrified about this “staging” stuff! Luckily my friend told me about a Houston home buying company that offered me a free house evaluation prior to offering me cash. I really didn’t think I’d be able to sell my house so fast after flood damage, but these home buyers in Houston said they buy houses of all conditions!
Dana says
Interesting that they would buy houses of all conditions! Maybe they like fixer-uppers!
Richard Davis says
I agree with removing the clutters and cleaning your house is really important to make your house look spacious, new and organized. Great blog by the way. Thanks for sharing these home staging tips!