When I was a little girl I would go fishing with my dad. Whether it was fresh water or salt water, we'd always have a nice time. I remember my dad taking me to Callahan's Beach in Kings Park on Long Island. We set up at the end of the small dock … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
My Latest Stitch Fix!
I have totally been holding out on my last Stitch Fix. I received it about a month ago, but with moving and unpacking it kind of took second place. When I finally had a moment to delve into the box, I was not left disappointed! Yet … [Read more...]
Summertime Fun – Kid Style!
"I'm bored" said with whine...I hate those two words together. Seriously, are they really bored? They have five gazillion books they could read, a Nintendo DS with more games than I care to admit, DVDs of every kid movie out there, yet they are … [Read more...]