I know, I know…it’s only the beginning of March but before you know it Spring will be here. That means warmer weather (hopefully), and the sometimes-dreaded Spring cleaning. I love this time of year though, even though the word “cleaning” is … [Read more...]
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Christmas Days of Past (and Present)
Where did Christmas go? The multiple spreadsheets of who was attending coupled with the corresponding ones of the meal of the day/ingredients/where to get the ingredients - have consumed my mind for the past two months. Growing up, Christmas had … [Read more...]
Project Organization
Now that we have been in the new house for 3 months (where did the time go???), I feel it is time that I need to go back into each room and REALLY organize. We tried hard, when unpacking, to put each item in its "forever place" but let's be … [Read more...]
Long Time No See!
I know I have been somewhat MIA...even to the point of coming up with a super cool blog post idea and then not adding content to it - BAD ME!! A lot of things have been transpiring on the home front - all good, and in time I will divulge to all! … [Read more...]