Glenn McDuffie, the man identified as the Kissing Sailor in a WWII-era picture passed away last week. Mr. McDuffie was identified as the kissing sailor by a forensic artist about 6 years ago - Glenn posed for over 100 photos reenacting the photo in … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
sap s4hana cloud5 Foods to Boost Brain Power
Now that school is back in session I figured it would be a good time to talk about how to sharpen our kids’ (and our own) brains! The Best Foods to Boost Your Childs Brain Power: FISH Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are the building blocks for … [Read more...]
5 Foods That Will Help With Concentration
I stumbled upon 5 foods that are doted to help with concentration while on my never-ending quest to find delicious food that is healthy (and if gluten-free a total plus!). 5 Foods That Will Help With Concentration CHOCOLATE A square of dark … [Read more...]
Online Shopping Heaven – H&M
I’ve already ordered three times from H&M’s new online store. I have been waiting for the day it would open for a very long time. My relationship with H&M started during a trip to NYC with the family. R took the boys for a walk while I zipped … [Read more...]
Food Sensitivity and Me
A few weeks ago I took a blood test at my doctor's office, called the Immuno bloodprint test. This test was to determine if I have any food sensitivities, which in turn could be causing some of my ailments. I didn't realize that food could be that … [Read more...]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., I'd like to share with you some of my favorite quotes from this iconic man. photo credit: via photopin cc Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out … [Read more...]
So What Do You Think About…
...Lance Armstrong admitting to taking performance enhancement drugs - doping? For years he denied it. For years we all believed him (well, most of us did). Some of us truly felt terrible when he lost his Tour de France titles. photo … [Read more...]
Black Friday – Story and Giveaway!
I can't believe the hype that comes along with Black Friday. I have friends that make a ritual of this famous evening...finishing Thanksgiving dinner early, getting babysitters (a lot of them even bring their kids along!), mapping out their plans of … [Read more...]
Bill & Giuliana Rancic’s New Names – Daddy & Mommy!
When I read my People Magazine email this morning, I almost welled up with tears - of happiness! It's not like a family member announced that their baby was born yesterday, but a celebrity couple - Bill and Giuliana Rancic! There were so many low … [Read more...]