THE LAST STOP ON OUR CALIFORNIA VACAY I've saved what I've dubbed as "the best for last". That is purely my opinion but I have to say - Santa Monica was my all time most favorite spot during the vacation. It wasn't that I didn't like San Diego or … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
My 5 Favorite Apps
I don't know what I truly did before my smartphone. I mean, I know what I did - my address book was handwritten, as was my calendar (which I have to confess - I have an AWESOME "old school" planner that I swear by) and I would take pictures with my … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Junior Explorers Great Barrier Reef Mission!
*I was given a complimentary Junior Explorers kit in exchange for a review. All opinions are 100% my own. There are affiliate links in this post. I may receive compensation if you purchase Junior Explorers via the link. It helps me to continue … [Read more...]
New Years Eve With the Kids!
Back in the day (translation: pre-kids), my husband and I would plan a fun night out for New Years Eve. It would be composed of dinner at a nice restaurant (usually overpriced) followed by either a club or party of some sort. I'd even stay up until … [Read more...]
Why Football Season and I Get Along
I hate to admit, but I somewhat look forward to football season. I make sure the boys have their favorite teams' jerseys - yes, multiple...they are Florida-born but NY-bred and I can't deny them or their dad. I also buy the requisite team t-shirt … [Read more...]
Four Years Ago
A little over four years ago we brought our older son to a karate school for a trial class. We didn't know if he'd like it but figured it wouldn't hurt to try it out. Little did we know that four years later we would be sitting on the same black … [Read more...]
5 Favorites for Friday!
Happy Friday!! What are you up to this weekend? Our first basketball games are on Sunday - should be interesting! Also, we're going to take a trip to the zoo...we used to go ALL THE TIME - we were on a first name basis with the carousel volunteer … [Read more...]
Summertime Fun – Kid Style!
"I'm bored" said with whine...I hate those two words together. Seriously, are they really bored? They have five gazillion books they could read, a Nintendo DS with more games than I care to admit, DVDs of every kid movie out there, yet they are … [Read more...]
Japan Here We Come (Via Little Passports That Is)
This past month the boys and I went to Japan! Well, we didn't actually GO to Japan, but we learned all about the country and had some fun doing it! Of course the first thing the boys wanted to do was add the country stamp to their passport. Once … [Read more...]