I love soup. There's just something about a nice, warm bowl of {enter your favorite type here}. My {enter your favorite type here} is homemade chicken soup. Growing up on a household where my mama made chicken soup for every Jewish holiday and … [Read more...]
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I Have a Dream Speech – 50 Year Anniversary
Have you ever really read the entire 'I Have a Dream' speech by Martin Luther King Jr.? If not, please check it out below. "I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the … [Read more...]
5 Foods That Will Help With Concentration
I stumbled upon 5 foods that are doted to help with concentration while on my never-ending quest to find delicious food that is healthy (and if gluten-free a total plus!). 5 Foods That Will Help With Concentration CHOCOLATE A square of dark … [Read more...]
Summertime Fun – Kid Style!
"I'm bored" said with whine...I hate those two words together. Seriously, are they really bored? They have five gazillion books they could read, a Nintendo DS with more games than I care to admit, DVDs of every kid movie out there, yet they are … [Read more...]
Food Confusion
For the past month and a half I have been on a food sensitivity diet, policing whatever I ate. It was hard. Notice WAS in that last sentence. Now, I am not a quitter so please don't judge. I am a born and bred worrier and sitting there trying to … [Read more...]