Having kids is an absolutely wonderful experience. It’s the kind of thing that fundamentally changes who you are as a person and puts the whole of your life into a totally different perspective. However, there are still things that can cause slight issues for some people once they take on the role of a parent. One of the most common of these issues is that it’s surprisingly common for a lot of people, women especially, to lose a lot of their confidence once they have kids. The obvious reason for this is down to the kinds of physical changes that you go through when you have kids, but it also comes down to the fact that many women come to define themselves by their role as a mother which means that they’re left without any sense of who they are separate from that. However, that’s not the way it needs to be. The truth is that it’s far from impossible to get your confidence back after having kids, it just takes a little bit of work. Here are just a few things that you can do to finally get your groove back.
Spend time without your kids
This is the big one that a lot of mothers struggle with, especially in the early days. There’s a pretty horrible, and entirely incorrect, attitude that some people have that if a woman doesn’t spend every second of every day with her kids then that somehow makes her a bad mother. This is completely ridiculous and utterly false. The reality is that having kids can be hard and it can end up taking up all of your time on a day-to-day level. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with needing a little break every so often so that you can spend some time with friends or with your partner. Not only are you going to get a much-needed break but it can help you reconnect with the person that you were before you had kids in the first place. That way you can build up some of that confidence that you might have lost after becoming a parent and having so much of your identity become wrapped up in that.
Take care of yourself
Now, this is not about telling you that you need to lose weight or get fit or do anything like that. The truth is that the media gives women a skewed enough idea of how they’re supposed to look as it is. Taking care of yourself by eating right and being active doesn’t need to be about losing weight or getting thin. Instead, it’s about how it makes you feel on a personal level. Being more active and eating healthily can have a huge impact on how you perceive yourself as well as greatly improving things like your energy levels. Sure, doing this kind of thing can help you lose weight if you want to, but you shouldn’t focus on that as your overall goal but rather think about being as healthy and happy as you can be.
Give your look an overhaul
When you spend all of your time with children, it’s pretty understandable that something like fashion tends to become a bit less of a priority for you. When you’ve changed shirts three times in as many hours because of things getting spilled on it, it really starts to feel as though it’s just not worth the effort at all. However, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to dress up every once in awhile. If you’re lacking in confidence then changing up your style can make a big difference. Switching from frumpy, practical outfits to beautiful flowing dresses for women every once in a while can have a fantastic impact on your self-image and can remind you that, yes you’re a mother, but you’re also a woman and an independent adult as well!
Embrace the changes
Here’s the reality: when you have kids, your body is going to change. You already know this, and it’s something that most mothers come to terms with pretty early on. However, just because they come to terms with it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have an impact on their confidence. And of course, that’s pretty understandable. The media loves to glorify celebrity mothers who get back to their pre-pregnancy size in six weeks or less, leaving everyone else feeling like a failure. Instead of comparing yourself to people with personal trainers and ridiculous diets, just embrace the changes that have happened to your body. They’re a sign that you did a truly incredible thing: you brought life into the world! If that’s not something worth celebrating, then I don’t know what is!
Susan says
You’ve got it. You have a super attitude and your children will also it rubs off
imgrum says
Thank you for sharing the post! Its’ true that spend time for herself is very important for Mom. A happy Mom could do everything!
Dana says
My pleasure 🙂 If the mama is happy, everyone is happy 😉