It’s that time of year again for sniffles, sore throats, coughs and all the fun stuff that comes with the cold and flu.
Of course the best way to prevent or lessen the severity of the flu is the vaccine, and of course good hygiene (i.e. hand washing and covering your mouth when coughing/sneezing) can help prevent the spread of both, but there are other ways as well in which to strengthen your immune system to help ward off illness.
I had the honor of interviewing Susan Wilson, RDN, LDN who was kind enough to share with us some tips on how to treat cold and flu symptoms.
When it comes to the cold and flu, what would you recommend in terms of proper nutrition and precautions for children?
A balance of nutrition is always best. Everyone, not just children need to ensure they receive enough from each of the food groups.
Registered dietitians always say ‘eat the rainbow’, and no we don’t mean those colorful little chewy candies. We mean eat a variety of colors from all the food groups. There is a good reason why. Different foods come with their own specific macronutrients and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals).
Those different colors of foods mean they are full of different types of nutrients. Our bodies need all of these, so eating the same foods over and over again won’t necessarily provide the variety our bodies need. All those different colors of fruits and vegetables mean different types of nutrients.
‘Antioxidants’ is a word most people have heard of, and most people have heard it is good. Antioxidants strengthen the bodies way to defend itself against everyday illnesses like the cold or flu, but also against more serious illnesses like cancers. They are found primarily in fruits and vegetables. These are the food groups that tend to be lowest in kids’ diets in my professional experience, especially the vegetables.
But how do I get the kids to eat the fruit and veggies?
Finding ways to get children involved in the selection of foods, helping to prepare meals, serving the meals, etc. can help children more readily accept a variety of foods.
Sometimes it is hard to get a variety of nutrients, especially if the child is a selective eater. So, while working on overcoming the selective eating behavior, I recommend to my patients to take a high-quality multivitamin as insurance.
Aside from food, what else can we do to keep the kiddos healthy?
Also, promoting physical activity can help strengthen the body as well. Keeping the body healthy and in a healthy weight range is also important. Higher stored fat content in the body can promote inflammation. Chronic inflammation isn’t good for the immune system.
Having a healthy microbiome is good. We are learning more and more how important a healthy microbiome is to many aspects of our health. I try to promote healthy bacteria from foods first. These include things like yogurts, kefir, kombucha, sour kraut, etc. Some kiddos really have a hard time with some of these stronger flavors, so a high-quality kid’s probiotic may not hurt.
Kids should get adequate sleep. Not getting adequate sleep on a regular basis can also weaken the immune system.
What would you recommend in terms of proper nutrition and precautions for adults when it comes to cold and flu prevention?
The recommendations for children can also be applied to the adult population. It becomes especially important for older adults as illnesses like the cold and flu can be more serious.
What cold and flu precautions would you recommend in an office environment?
- Using tissues when sneezing
- Covering mouth with inner elbow when coughing (not your hands)
- Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds. I tell my patients and my own child, water isn’t magic, so you need to use soap.
- And this time of year, it may not hurt to have some hand sanitizer on hand.
What precautions would you recommend when traveling?
All of the recommendations as I mentioned above become even more important prior to and during travel because traveling, especially if by plane or by another public transportation, means exposure to so many more germs and viruses.
Try boosting your immune system ahead of time. Get enough antioxidants in your system. Vitamin C is an antioxidant powerhouse. Getting enough Vitamin C in your diet, along with other sources of antioxidants ahead of time can help. I try to eat a lot of Vitamin C-rich foods. Adding a reliable vitamin C supplement like vitafusion Power C gummies daily can also help ensure you are getting enough in your daily diet. Two gummies contains 240 mg of Vitamin C. (As with any supplement, do not take more than the recommended dosage unless otherwise instructed by your healthcare provider or registered dietitian).
Wash hands frequently when able. Unfortunately, in a plane that air is just recirculated, but washing hands frequently and keeping a travel container of hand sanitizer would be good.
I have a tough time not sleeping in my own bed, but I trying to make sure to get enough sleep ahead of traveling to help make sure my immune system is in a good place beforehand.
Cold and Flu Safeguards Demystified
Overall, it’s amazing how a cleaner diet consisting of more whole fresh foods and less processed food can make you feel. I have people report to me often how once they start working on cleaning up their diet, they start just feeling better.
Ensure you are getting adequate nutrition. Restricting your diet too much and not getting the nutrients (both macro- and micro-) can weaken your body’s ability to defend itself.
Elizabeth says
I struggle with getting one of my children to eat vegetables that I know would help him be healthier. But I recognize the importance of it. It’s amazing how much diet affects every part of one’s health.
Susan Wilson says
Elizabeth, I’m Susan Wilson, the RD they interviewed for this article. I am a pediatric registered dietitian. Look up the Ellyn Satter Institute for information on kvercominm selective eating. Selective eating is one of the biggest things I speak to families about. It can be overcome, but does require a bit of work on the parents’ part and will requiring rewiring the way you interact with your child when it comes to food/mealtimes. I promise it can be overcome!
Natasha says
Boosting your immune system is very important to avoid flu and colds
Val says
I wish I would have had this article a couple of weeks ago when the flu virus hit our house. Thanks for sharing.
Chelsea Sauve - Wandure says
My hands are washed 8+ times a day at this time of year! Thanks for the awesome tips!
Chad says
ugh!!! I hate getting sick, I mean no ones like being sick but I would do anything to avoid getting cold or flu! Great prevention tips, thank you.
Paris says
Thank you for this! This year I feel has been so bad with sickness!! Taking people awhile to recover so thank you!
Jessica Collazo says
This are some great tips. i have a toddler amd I love that she like to be active and runs all day. She actually never get sick. And I’m starting to give her veggies.
Kale says
Yes! Eat the rainbow! I totally agree. 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Stay healthy!
Olya Aman says
You do a good job writing about things like that. I’m sure it helps many people.
Gervin Khan says
These are really a helpful information that a person must do to prevent cold and flu most especially during cold weather. Eating the right and nutritional food and taking your Vitamins and keeping yourself hydrated are really a great help to stay your body strong.
A Chronic Voice says
Some great and sensible tips! Fussy eaters can be hard, but my mum used to ‘hide’ the nutrients in mixed dishes, ha. Let’s hope we all take care of ourselves especially now with the corona virus going around :/
Eileen M Loya says
I am always very careful not to get sick because I am my husband’s primary caregiver. However, right now, I have a bad cold. I don’t even know how I got it but once I am well again, I will have to take my vitamin supplements regularly. And wear a face mask when I go out. Some people just don’t know how to cover their mouth when they sneeze!
Jhentea Guzman says
I used to drinks lemon juice first thing in the morning to avoid colds,Chinese lemons in particular. It is so effective.
Maria says
Great tips. Cold and flu season is always such a doozy. We are all currently sick in our household. It’s not fun. But a better diet definitely helps. We also add Elderberry into our rotation for the winter to help our immune systems stay strong.
Susan Wilson says
Elderberry is fantastic for boosting the immune system. Even many medical providers are now starting to prescribe it when people get the flu to help them fight it off. It’s good to take on a regular basis to boost the immune system to help avoid the cold and flu in addition to a balanced diet.
Sally says
I rarely get sick, less than once a year. I credit it to a healthy diet, regular exercise, and six hours of sleep every night. Also washing my hands regularly or using hand sanitizer when I’m out, always helps as well.
Margaret says
Some great points here. I love the little vitamin C gummies you mentioned. Those are great for little kids and I used to use them for my boys. I now buy Airborne for us when we are sick. Seems to help a lot too!
Laura says
I don’t have that issue as I don’t have kids, but thank you for the tips. you have lovely blog x
Amber says
Knock on wood I haven’t been sick this year. I hope I don’t get sick but these are great tips.
Catherine Irwin says
Healthy eating, exercise, washing hands and our tip is essential oils namely On Guard. It has been our saviour for the past couple of years
Christopher Mitchell says
It’s a great time of year for me to read this! Thanks for putting this together!
Olufunke says
It’s cold and flu season here presently. It’s so horrible as the dreadful think keeps passing around. In had it two weeks ago, not it my baby and I can feel mine coming back already. He won’t eat so itstbeen hell getting him to take anything, even drugs. I hope it passes soon.
Dana says
I hope you both feel 100% soon!!
Heather says
With the amount of germs that enter our home, I’m always looking for new ways to keep them away!
Dana says
I’m with you, Heather! The more tips and tricks to keep the family healthy, the better!
Shayla says
When I started reading this post I did’t expect it to be as informative and spot on as it is. You’ve covered so many excellent suggestions and tips though. I really love how you suggested the multi for picky eaters. Yes!
Dana says
Thanks, Shayla! I’m glad you enjoyed the article!! 🙂
Marlynn | UrbanBlissLife says
Great tips! The flu is rampant right now!
Dana says
The flu is terrible this season, I agree!
Beth Ann says
Great tips, we always teach to sneeze into the elbow. That’s silly about adults needing to hear that water isn’t magic
Dana says
Thanks, Beth Ann! Every time I have to sneeze, I go straight to my elbow 🙂
Christa says
Cold and flu season can be rough. My priority is avoiding it! So far, so good.
Christian Alcantara says
I had a bad fever just a few days ago, a good soup and one whole large size orange is all that I needed.
Mariah says
I just wrote a blog post on my sick tea recommendations. The minute I feel a cold coming on or someone around me is sick I start oiling up!
Kristen says
These are great tips and just in time for flu season!
Sue Denym says
Good nutrition and good hand washing for the win!
Jen says
I woke up with a bad cold, so this is very timely! Thanks for sharing!
Susan E Wilson says
Start taking some elderberry to give your immune system a boost to help fight it off more efficiently and effectively.