There are days that if I hear “I’m bored” one more time I am going to pull my hair out.
It has been scientifically proven that boredom is good for the brain. If you told that to my children they would most definitely think you were trying to pull one over on them. I actually thought the same thing for a minute, but it actually makes sense.
Our children are growing up in a society where immediate gratification is somewhat the norm. Think about it. They turn on the television and their shows are right there ready to be watched. They play a video game that delivers instantaneous excitement, competition, and stimulation. YouTube provides instant entertainment in every possible genre imaginable. Take away the technology aspect of it all, and there’s silence.
Silence, to my boys, raises an immediate red flag – oh no, they have nothing to do. And I am 100% to blame for this. When I was little and had “nothing to do”, I would play with my dollhouse. I’d read a book, write in my diary, or take a bike ride around the neighborhood to see if one of my friends (Stacy) wanted to come out to play.
I read an article about boredom that spawned this post and motivation for me to turn around this abhorrence to silence.
I created a corner of their playroom specifically for creative play. I purchased some cubicle storage shelves and linen bins. Inside each bin are different art materials – markers, crayons, glue sticks, colored paper, tape, rulers, pens, and pencils. We repurposed our old kitchen table as the epicenter for creativity.
Notice I didn’t mention paint. Initially, there was paint…and brushes. And then one day paint magically exploded on the carpet. Oh and did I mention, it was cleverly covered with a blanket. Out of sight, out of mind right?! Two carpet cleaning service visits later I still see the blue paint.
Here are a few items to get your creativity center started:
Explore different genres of books that your kids enjoy reading and stock a small bookcase with them. Take a trip to the public library and let them pick out their books. That way there will be no complaints – they chose their own reading material!
I know I can’t make my younger son sit for an hour and read a book. I’ve tried. It’s not worth the fight. Instead, I read with him. I read one chapter and then it is his turn to read a chapter. Easy peasy. Before you know it, we are halfway into the book.
Another option for kids that don’t necessarily like to read is to have your child simultaneously listen to the audiobook while reading the book.
Some recommendations for making reading more fun!
We make sure that we have enough sports-related items to keep the boys and their neighborhood friends in the great outdoors instead of inside the technologically infused home. My older one loves to play basketball, so that is an easy sport to supply for.
My little one likes baseball, which is a bit harder to play in a neighborhood setting, so we make sure to set aside time during the week to hit the batting cages.
Other fun things to have on hand that will promote exercise include:
- Hula hoop
- Jump ropes
- Corn hole set
- Kickball (can also double as a dodgeball)
There were so many things that I loved to do, growing up, like play board games, put together jigsaw puzzles, and build with LEGOs. Below are some of my favorites!
Give kids the time to feel bored. Don’t give in to their not having their electronics and see what creativity and fun come out of it.
What do you do to help keep the boredom at bay in your house?
Heidi says
That’s so true. It’s so easy for kids to grab an electronic device or turn on the TV. It’s so much better for them to get outside or do something creative!
Kristen K says
What great ideas to keep your kids busy. My 18 year old still complains to me all the time that she is bored. You’d think that by now she could figure out what to do with herself.
Dana says
LOL, Kristen, I hear you!!! 🙂
Ally says
This is so true! When you are bored your mind really does start focusing on being more creative. I love the idea of taking children to the library to pick out their own books, I bet they loved that opportunity.
Tamara says
I know! I can’t imagine being bored but I remember it as a kid. I love the things my kids come up with when they’re bored – projects and games galore.
Dana says
Tamara, the creativity that flows when they are “bored” is the best!
Tara says
I had the same reaction as you at first, but you have won me over. It is so true that we had to learn to be creative as kids without all the tech that is available these days.
Lala Kerry says
Now a day, kids are more into devices and rarely go out for activities. So seeing this remind me of my childhood as I always bored and end up playing outside with the other kids. It’s nice to spend more time on my creativity outsides.
Akamatra says
Yes I’ve read the research and it is true! My kid is too young but I still let her alone sometimes to challenge her imagination!
Kusum says
Yeah, its so important to limit the usage of electronics among kids. Taking them outdoors and getting them involved with various projects should definitely help with boredom.
Evelyn, PathofPresence says
I absolutely love this post. The message of this so resonates. In a world full of distractions, it is important to cultivate silence, and mindful living for our little ones. We of course, as the adults, need to be the models :-D. What a great reason to have a daily practice to instill imagination, wisdom and conscious living. Blessings to you all!
betzy cuellar says
In my adulthood I have noticed that when I am bored I tend to clean. Who would know cleaning and organizing could be so much fun.
Kiwi says
I was just telling my friend that these kids bore too easily because they are only entertained by tvs or tablets. If I was a parent I would force them to do creative activities, when I was young I wouldnt allow myself to get bored I would do something creative.
Heather says
My kids have huge imaginations and love everything creative. I love to find new ways to help them grow as artists.
Dana says
I love to hear this, Heather!!
Mama to 6 Blessings says
I wish my kids would go outside more but here in Florida it is like an oven outside! I am with you, kids need to be inspired so that they can create. I try to do that in my home but I need to do it more.
Christiana Acha says
Oh wow! This is an amazing information. I never really knew that boredom was good for the brain, but I do know that whenever I feel bored i begin to think of some creative things to do. Some of the best things I have achieved were birthed on days when I had absolutely nothing to do so while I sat i moped I got great ideas.
Ruth I. says
My niece likes to watch youtube as much as possible but I personally won’t let her when we’re together. I try to ask her for stories and I can hear her creativity from it.
Dana says
Ruth, I love that you bring out her creativity!
Christiana acha says
Oh wow! This is so true, I can say that some of the best things that I have achieved in life were born in my longest and most boring moments, didn’t actually know it was a thing though, thought it was just me.
Dana says
You were right on point all of those times, Christiana!