Happy Father's Day! Here are some inspirational quotes you can pass along to the father, grandfather, uncle, etc. in your life, as a token of appreciation. Father's Day Inspirational Quotes Jim Valvano: My father gave me the greatest gift anyone … [Read more...]
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What I Took Away From Thrive by Arianna Huffington
I've heard so much about Thrive and am a fan of the Huffington Post, and felt compelled to read Arianna Huffington's newest book. Arianna speaks about going beyond the usual two metrics of success (money and power), to her third metric. This … [Read more...]
In Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
I Have a Dream Speech – 50 Year Anniversary
Have you ever really read the entire 'I Have a Dream' speech by Martin Luther King Jr.? If not, please check it out below. "I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the … [Read more...]