I tackle the task of cleaning out our medicine cabinets every 6 months. I don't know how so many things accumulate in this not-so-big place in the house! After emptying the entire cabinet, I checked all medication and creams for expiration dates … [Read more...]
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Project Organization – UPDATE!
I figured I would wait until I was into this Project Organization a few days before I wrote about it...actually, I wanted to make sure I stuck to it! Day 1 - Medicine Cabinet: First and foremost I went through all of the medicine we have, which … [Read more...]
7 Common Ailment Cures Found in Your Kitchen
When I have a headache, sinus issues, etc. I go straight to the medicine cabinet. That's where my Advil, Allegra - you name it resides. After a bit of research I found out that there are natural ailment cures that can be found in your … [Read more...]