Since today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, below are some ideas of things you can do to spread the kindness! (Although I recommend kindness every day, today I'm going to go a bit above and beyond!) First and foremost, smile at people as … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
sap s4hana cloudCoffee Was Made For Monday Mornings
Mondays and coffee are like two peas in a pod. After a (hopefully) fulfilled weekend, nothing helps Mondays get off to a better than usual start than a great cup of coffee! Back in my college days I worked at a small coffee shop in the local … [Read more...]
Five for Friday – AKA Black Friday
So, have you already been to the stores, fighting the crowds and getting some great deals? If that is the case, I hoped you scored big time! If not, we are in the same boat. Today I am going to dress my house in everything holiday!! I've been … [Read more...]
Your Brain on Beer vs. Your Brain on Coffee
This has nothing to do with WINE-ing Wednesday other than it is posted on a Wednesday, but it is about another alcoholic beverage - BEER. I love this infographic as it compares your thinking when you drink beer versus when you drink a cup of … [Read more...]
Five Interesting Facts About Lemons
Lemons enhance beauty, health and are a great aid to lose weight. Below are five interesting facts about lemons...there are so many more! Lemon rinds contain more antioxidants than the juice. Freeze the rinds and add them to tea, soups, … [Read more...]
10 Uses For Tea Other Than Drinking
I would like more than anything to substitute my tall iced coffee, soy and one sweet n low with tea but I can't seem to get myself to do so. Even to the point of buying my husband a cool electric tea maker for Christmas (see ladies...there are ways … [Read more...]
Me Time – What’s That?
Me time - what a great concept but so rare. You know what I am talking about - that quiet time where you can actually have the time to do something for yourself and not feel guilty, to not do something because you HAVE to but because you want to, … [Read more...]
Nespresso Deliciousness!
I was introduced to Nespresso machines when I visited my friend Anouk in Paris a few years ago. Every morning she would make me a shot of espresso with milk and it would start my day perfectly - although just being in Paris with a great … [Read more...]
Gift Ideas for the Hostess with the Mostess
Going to a holiday party and don't know what to get the hostess? Here are some cool gift ideas for that host(ess) with the most(ess): For the host that has everything...How cool are these wooden martini glasses from UncommonGoods? OK, not … [Read more...]