Masks come in many formulations, price ranges and more!
Face Masks
Hair Masks
Eye Masks
I’ve just started dabbling in eye masks, but as I surmised, they are a great quick treat like their face and skin counterparts.
The first time I tried an eye mask, it felt super slimy and took a few times to place it under my eyes properly.
Remember that the skin under your eyes is super delicate – I urge you to be extremely picky when it comes to picking the perfect eye mask.
Like its “cousins”, it does allow for multi-tasking. Apply the eye masks, taking into consideration when you need to remove them, and get some things done around the house!
You can do a hair mask and eye mask simultaneously! Pricing ranges from a little over $2.00 for one set to $20.00 and up for multiple sets. Once again, I recommend trying the one-pack to make sure it heeds the results you are looking for.
Lip Masks
I recently learn about lip masks. I’ve enjoyed using sugar scrubs to better exfoliate and smooth my lips, and then here comes the new lip masks!
There’s nothing easier than applying a lip mask, setting the timer, and reading your favorite magazines that have been collecting on the coffee table.
Next thing you know, you’re removing the masks and hopefully marveling at the smooth lips on your face!
Exfoliating accelerates the rate at when dead skin cells shed. Customarily, dead cells shed every 30 days, with some hanging on a bit longer. When you exfoliate, you “help the process along”, leaving soft, smooth skin in their wake. There are so many exfoliants on the market these days that you are sure to find one you like. OR you can make your own at home!
Body exfoliators
Body exfoliators or scrubs are the most common on the market. Most scrubs contain some form of sugar – a natural exfoliant! I love body scrubs especially for my feet, elbows and knees.
Lip exfoliators
These are great for sloughing away dry skin and making your pucker super soft. It is super easy to make a lip scrub at home.
Scalp exfoliators
Even though we wash our hair, dead skin cells and residue from hair products may remain on our scalp. When you use a scalp exfoliator, you’re scrubbing away the cells that need a little push to shed, as well as super cleaning the products away.
DIY Beach time exfoliator
Here’s a little tip when it comes to scalps and the beach. It may sound weird but it works amazingly. Sand like sugar, if applied to the skin is a form of exfoliator. Before you leave the beach for the day, take a small amount of sand and rub it on your scalp. Really get in there! Rinse (really well) at the shower when you wash the sand off your feet. FREE natural exfoliant!
TIME IT TAKES: Exfoliating should take no more time than it does to wash your face. Read the product’s directions as to the frequency of exfoliating.
NOTE: Remember that although you are exfoliating, you don’t need to scrub harshly. If you have sensitive skin you may want to skip exfoliation all together.
Below are a few of each of the exfoliator types that I enjoy using!
When Nancy first starting talking about dry brushing a few of the participants asked what it actually is. Dry brushing is defined as literally brushing your skin with a somewhat coarse – and dry – brush to remove any dead skin cells. Dry brushing also helps blood flow.
The key is that both your body and the brush are DRY. When asked when is the best time of day to dry brush, hands down in the morning. Why? Dry brushing has also been linked to stimulating sensory nerves which is very invigorating!
TIME IT TAKES: It takes less that 3 minutes to dry brush, but if you have more time – enjoy it!
NOTE: Be careful if you have sensitive skin. Start softly and see how your skin reacts.
Jade Rollers
Did you know that jade rollers are far from being a new face tool? They date back as far as seventh century China!
What does the jade roller do?
By rolling the jade or other rock substance over a section of your face, you are restricting blood flow (via the coolness of the rock) while pushing/guiding fluid (lymph) to the lymph nodes for drainage. The end result is a less puffy and more glowing face. You can also use the jade roller to assist in applying your product.
Gua Sha Stones
The difference between the jade rollers and gua sha stones is that the stones require some form of facial oil.
TIME IT TAKES: Around 5 minutes! It’s super easy to use both!
Think about it. 10 to 15 minutes a day is all you need to multi-task your way into self-care, relaxation and gorgeous skin.

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