I look forward to this time of year for one reason – the holiday traditions that my parents have created with my sister and I and that I continue to share with my husband and boys.
Holiday Traditions – Back in the Day
The day after Thanksgiving couldn’t come soon enough. No, we weren’t excited about the Black Friday sales. We were excited to decorate the house for Christmas!
Dad would take the Christmas tree out of the garage, along with the boxes and boxes of ornaments and holiday decor. Back then the tree we had wasn’t pre-lit. Dad was smart though – he would wrap the sections in lights ahead of time, then put them in their proper place.
One by one we’d place the ornaments on the tree boughs while listening to Christmas tunes. Each ornament held a special meaning to it, bringing back warm memories. Mom and Dad would purchase a new Hallmark dated rocking horse ornament each and every year. They would be placed in chronological order the oldest at the tip-top, and each subsequent year’s horse beneath one another.
We had ornaments that dated back to when my mom and dad had their first tree (I have three of them hanging proudly on my tree today!).
Dad would then put together the Lionel train set that would circle the tree, with such care. You had to be super careful when connecting the tracks, sometimes needing to clean them with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip. We had a winter village with tiny trees, an ice skating rink, houses, and little people.
Christmas music would play in the background. To this day, we play The Muppets Christmas Carroll CD, me singing along to every song. (My kids rolling their eyes.) The fireplace would be roaring, making for the quintessential holiday scene. Oh, how I wish I could go back to those days.
Holiday Traditions – Present Day
This year we opted for a bigger tree. Each place we travel to, hobbies and sports the boys get involved in, hobbies both my husband and I love, pets that join our family…you name it, there is an ornament indoctrinating it.

King of Christmas was kind enough to gift me the most beautiful 9′ Hancock Spruce Artificial Christmas Tree with 640 Warm LED Lights. I couldn’t wait to get it out of the box and into our family room!
It was hard to pick one tree, as there were so many to choose from – different styles, with or without lights (if with lights – white or multi) – you name it!
It was incredibly easy to put together.

I especially liked that King of Christmas packed, along with the tree, two pairs of gloves. At first, I didn’t know exactly what they were for, but soon found out! All of those years separating the branches and scratching my arms in the process are in the past!

Ornament Organization
I can get a little “over the top” when it comes to organizing the ornaments, but there is a method to my madness.

Ornaments are clustered together:
- Sports teams
- Food
- Hobbies
- Homemade by the kiddos
- Our travels
I lay out our annual family ornaments, a tradition started by a neighbor when I was pregnant with N. She gifted it to us and ever since then, we get an ornament properly representing the family.
It’s heartwarming and somewhat bittersweet at the same time, seeing the pets on the ornament for one year, and maybe not the next like this year without Sadie. BUT we welcome Stella on the 2019 ornament.
Like Marie Kondro instructs people to hold each item in their hands to see if they feel delighted in order to determine if it should stay or go, I hold each ornament and without a doubt, it is staying, but feel the memory of when it was purchased and it warms my heart.

I sit here on the couch, penning this article and admiring my new, beautiful tree, and can envision the countless numbers of memories these branches will hold in the coming years.
Julia Stege says
You brought back some nice memories for me. My mom used to out little stuffed animal toys in our tree along with a total mis match array of lights and ornaments! Lol I live that you have your parents ornament on your tree now.
Dana says
I’m glad my post brought back nice memories for you, Julia!
Matt Taylor says
Such a nice holiday tradition Dana! Growing up we would always go as a family to pick out a Christmas tree. Usually it was to a tree lot, but every once in awhile we would go up to the mountains to a tree farm and cut one down. Then we would gather as a family in the living room and put up the tree and each of us kids had boxes of ornaments that we would put on. It was great. Something I hope to do when I get married and have a family. 🙂
Dana says
Matt, your tradition sounds so wonderful! I would love a real tree but we are all allergic 🙁 That’s why King of Christmas artificial trees are the BEST. They really look real!
I can’t wait for you to create traditions of your own when you have a family!
innisglow says
Hi Dana, I had a great time reading your post memories of Christmas from childhood, your beautiful family and lovely Christmas tree you got to decorate thanks for sharing 🙂
Jenni says
What a beautiful post. I love your tree and decorations! We’ve recently moved so need to get a new one for this year
joy says
i love seeing santa, even as an adult. the pic of you as a girl with santa is so cute.
Joy at The Joyous Living
katrina Kroeplin says
we are blending 2 families this year so new traditions are starting. we aren’t really sure what we will do for sure besides wear ugly christmas sweaters, but that’s ok.
Dana says
That is awesome, Katrina! I’m excited to hear about your new traditions – I love ugly sweaters so that is a GREAT first one to implement!
Lori Bosworth says
I also have ornaments on my Christmas tree that have been handed down from my parents and grandparents. I think that makes a Christmas tree really personal and special!
Dana says
Definitely, Lori. I love that you even have ornaments from your grandparents 🙂
Steph S says
I love Keeping our Christmas traditions alive!! We have to continue to pass them down!
Dana says
I agree, Steph!
Heather says
I have to tell you, all of these Christmas posts this week are making me want to run out and get our tree ASAP! We don’t have many traditions when it comes to the holidays, aside from each of us choosing an ornament each year and getting matching pajamas.
Dominique Brooks says
We had more traditions when I was a child than we do now. My children are somewhat cynical (wonder where they got that from?) so they didn’t enjoy the putting up of decorations. My husband and I sit by the tree at night drinking cocoa (me) or a toddy of some type (husband) and look at the lights while Christmas music plays. My son laughs every time! Happy holidays!
Anne Wright says
I love my King of Christmas tree. I also love this time of year and the memories.
Dana says
You have one too? I love it!! The memories made are the best!
Urika says
I really believe that we should keep family traditions, specially those bringing families closer together. Seeing your photos is so heartwarming and makes me excited for the holidays 😀
Dana says
I am so with you, Urika! I’m glad you’re looking forward to the holidays!
Ave says
Sounds like you had an amazing Christmas when you were a kid. I really like the idea of family ornaments, we don’t have this tradition here. We are getting a bigger tree this year too! Your one looks amazing!
Sondra Barker says
Christmas is truly the best time of the year. Putting up the Christmas tree with my mom is such a special tradition. (Reciprocated by Natasha Romero-Salas)
Lisa Favre says
The gloves are absolutely genius! I’m surprised no other tree company has ever thought of this because it’s so useful!
Dana says
I thought the same thing, Lisa! I love the concept – and they definitely help my arms from not getting scratched up by the branches!
Marysa says
Love your traditions! We talked about organizing our ornaments this year and doing a theme.
Fatima Torres says
This is awesome that you’ve been able to keep your family traditions, and create your own. Glad you’ve been able to share these holidays with your family and loved ones.
Tash says
Ohhhh now I am in the chrostmas mood! Thanks for sharing
Dana says
My pleasure! Merry early Christmas!
Ronnie says
It’s always been my dream to decorate a Christmas tree with my family. It seems like a lovely tradition. Loved your ornaments!
Rosey says
We are thinking of getting a new artificial tree this year. This one is tall and pretty.
Melanie williams says
Aw how lovely is this. I think holiday traditions are what Christmas is all about for sure xx
Kara says
I used to love the build up to Christmas but even the UK seems bogged down in black friday and cyber monday sales these days – what happened to the excitement of seeing Santa and putting up the christmas tree
Vasu Devan says
Ah! it is almost that time of the year. Every home have their traditions. I am not a Christian but Christmas day is special for me too as it is also my birthday!
Gloves are a very thoughtful part of the package.