Owning a car seems to be less and less common these days, especially among people that live in cities with strong public transportation systems. With trains, busses, and private transport options, you can pretty much go anywhere you want without ever needing to get behind a wheel.
But with that said, is there still a place for vehicles or is it something that we should generally avoid nowadays given just how expensive it can get? After all, with so many running expenses and considerations to keep in mind, owning a car just doesn’t seem financially viable if you have other options. So do we really need a car in the modern-day? Here are some things to think about.
Do you use a car on a regular basis?
First, ask yourself if you use a car on a regular basis. If your home is located far from public transport and local stores are really far away, then there’s a good chance that you do need a vehicle and can’t really live without one. This is common when living in suburban areas where facilities and stores are few and far apart.
However, if you own a car and don’t particularly drive it much, then you should ask yourself if you really need to drive your car. If other options are available but you just haven’t tried them, then it can be a good idea to explore different travel options to see if you can do without owning a vehicle.
Could public transport be a good alternative?
Public transport is usually the go-to choice for people that live in cities, but with transport networks growing and covering more and more places in the country, it might be possible to completely avoid driving a car. If your local area has plenty of great public transport options, then you should really consider if you need to own a car.
Can you afford a car today?
Buying a car from a dealership such as Edmunds can be more affordable than you think. If you really need to own a car, then there are plenty of good options to lower the costs, but does it really compare with public transport?
For most people, the convenience of having your own vehicle is more than enough to pony up the initial expenses and running costs of having a vehicle. The idea that public transport is cheaper is a fair point for some people, but if you’re able to afford it and can make use of it, there’s nothing wrong with owning a car.
Does your family rely on you to drive?
Lastly, we should think about our family situation. Many people choose to own a car because their family relies on them to ferry them around. Whether it’s taking your partner to work or picking up the kids from school, there are plenty of good reasons to own a car when you have a family even if there is public transportation available.
While choosing a family car can be fairly difficult with so many factors to consider, it’s one of the best investments you’ll make if you regularly have to drive your loved ones around.
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