Happy Friday! This week was a whirlwind! We returned from our awesome Disney cruise on Sunday, and Monday I was off to Las Vegas for a conference. I returned in the wee hours of Thursday morning back at the office, and now here I am! Enjoy my 5 Friday favorites!!
Mosquitos are so annoying in my area…and they always seem to bite ME. Not my husband, not my boys….ME. I don’t get little bites either – they blow up and are gross. I did, however, come across this great article on how to make your own natural mosquito repellent, which I am going to happily make this weekend! By the by, I love ohdeardrea…definitely a blog to subscribe to!
I don’t know about you, but after blow drying, flat ironing, and coloring my hair it needs some love. Here is a great recipe – yes, recipe – for a DIY moisturizing mask for your tresses.
My coworkers showed me this video (below) and it is hysterical and amazing at the same time!
I don’t know about you, but I have terrible under-eye circles. I think I have tried just about every type of concealer but realized after watching the tutorial below, that it may not be the product…it may be the apply-er (that would be me…)
I know it’s Friday and normally all of my favorites are on the “lighter” side, but I did come across an interesting article on procrastination that hit home.
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