ZOOTOPIA is Walt Disney Animation Studio’s next release (opening in theaters on March 4th) and in celebration of the holidays, here are some fun holiday themed family activity sheets including character ornaments, “Zoo” flakes,” holiday gift tags and a really cool “Zoo” Year’s Eve party pack decorations!
Haven’t heard of Zootopia? Check out the trailer below!
Print one or print them all – they are so much fun! Click on each image below to save and/or print. Have fun!!
New Year’s Eve Party Animal Pack
Charater Ornaments
Flash Snowflake
Holiday Gift Tags
Jack Wilde Snowflake
Yax Snowflake
I hope you enjoy these fun printable activities! Happy Holidays!
Victoria says
This is so cute!
Dana says
Looks like a super cute movie too!
Cynthia @Craftoflaughter says
How fun are these printables! It looks like such a fun movie and I know some kids that will love both the movie and the activities!
Dana says
Thanks Cynthia! I loved the trailer for the movie and can’t wait to check it out in March!! 🙂
Linda Carmical says
So cute and it looks like a really cute movie too. My granddaughter would love it! My niece too. Come to think of it… my brother-in-law would too. lol
Dana says
LOLOL…it does look like a cute movie – something about animals living in a city makes me smile 🙂