I know, I know…it’s only the beginning of March but before you know it Spring will be here. That means warmer weather (hopefully), and the sometimes-dreaded Spring cleaning. I love this time of year though, even though the word “cleaning” is … [Read more...]
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Must Have Moisturizers for Cold Weather
Cold weather wrecks havoc on my skin. I don't think I can get enough moisturizer these days. I stay away from any products that contain parabens and phthalates. In case you didn't know what parabens are, they are chemicals that help to preserve … [Read more...]
Dressing For the Cold Weather – On a Budget!
I grew up with the cold weather. This translated into winter coats, scarves, mittens and gloves, and snow boots. They still are some of my favorite pieces of clothing! It can get expensive to follow the trends for each of the … [Read more...]
Five for Friday – AKA Black Friday
So, have you already been to the stores, fighting the crowds and getting some great deals? If that is the case, I hoped you scored big time! If not, we are in the same boat. Today I am going to dress my house in everything holiday!! I've been … [Read more...]
Tis the Season to Be a Kid!
My most favorite time of the year is approaching! Tis the season to be a kid - when I was little, I would so look forward to the Fall and Winter months. It meant a respite from the hot weather (mind you, I lived in the northeast at the time), the … [Read more...]
15 Cozy Sweaters Under $50!
I don't get to wear cozy sweaters as much as I wish I did where I currently live. I actually don't mind the milder weather here, but wish I could wear sweaters without getting overheated! So for this post I am going to live vicariously … [Read more...]
Fall Fashion
Fall is one of my most favorite times of the year. The weather gets a bit cooler (a tiny bit here in South Florida), school is back in session, and the Fall fashion magazines are out!! When I see those ridiculously huge magazines at the … [Read more...]
Summertime Fun – Kid Style!
"I'm bored" said with whine...I hate those two words together. Seriously, are they really bored? They have five gazillion books they could read, a Nintendo DS with more games than I care to admit, DVDs of every kid movie out there, yet they are … [Read more...]