**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. It is here! Not only is this weekend the official start to summer, but it is also Tea Collection's Memorial Day Sale! Starting … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
I Have a Dream Speech – 50 Year Anniversary
Have you ever really read the entire 'I Have a Dream' speech by Martin Luther King Jr.? If not, please check it out below. "I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the … [Read more...]
Summertime Fun – Kid Style!
"I'm bored" said with whine...I hate those two words together. Seriously, are they really bored? They have five gazillion books they could read, a Nintendo DS with more games than I care to admit, DVDs of every kid movie out there, yet they are … [Read more...]
Source: woofimaunicorn.tumblr.com via Tela on Pinterest I am a huge advocate of optimism, positive thoughts and the like. I have learned through experience that if you think negatively, negative things will come your way. Have you ever had to … [Read more...]