It is so important to me to get in quality one-on-one time with each of my boys. Last night I took my oldest son to the special screening of Disney Pixar's Inside Out. We grabbed a quick bite to eat with the family and off we went to the … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
заказать аутрич sap s4hana cloudDo You Truly Have Just One Best Friend?
Today is dubbed "National Best Friend Day", which really made me think about what the definition of a best friend is. As you grow up, you meet so many people. Your best friend in nursery school, the kids you play with in the neighborhood, your … [Read more...]
I’m a South Florida Parenting Magazine MOM Approved Panelist!
I was so excited when I heard the great news - I was chosen as one of the South Florida Parenting Magazine MOM Approved panelists! I applied, fingers crossed, that I would be chosen and here I am - so excited!! We met for the first time this … [Read more...]
Let’s Celebrate National Chocolate Chip Day!
Yes, it is a holiday apparently...National Chocolate Chip Day. This is one holiday I have no qualms about celebrating! I was dubbed the "cookie monster" when I was little because I LOVED chocolate chip cookies. Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip … [Read more...]
Let’s Discuss National Reading Month
March is National Reading Month! I love to read and the fact that there is a month dedicated to one of my favorite past times is so exciting! So, let's talk about books...what is your favorite genre? Do you like "pink lipstick books" as I call … [Read more...]
New Years Eve With the Kids!
Back in the day (translation: pre-kids), my husband and I would plan a fun night out for New Years Eve. It would be composed of dinner at a nice restaurant (usually overpriced) followed by either a club or party of some sort. I'd even stay up until … [Read more...]
Since my sister, niece and nephews were coming into town, I wanted to plan something super fun for the kids. They always talk about their cousins, asking when we are going to see them again; so when we do get together I want it to be memorable and … [Read more...]
Continuous Thankfulness
Thursday was filled with food and, for me, a lot of thankfulness! I learned how to make homemade string bean casserole…considering this is one of my favorite holiday dishes and I am gluten-sensitive, I was super excited to learn (recipe below). I … [Read more...]
Cherished Memories and Gymboree!
Do you ever find yourself looking at your child and wishing you could just stop time? You are not alone! The folks at Gymboree want you to join them in celebrating and sharing cherished moments in childhood. Gymboree has created an amazing new video … [Read more...]