Vinepair pulls through yet again with another infographic to take the guess work out of pairing your alcoholic beverage of choice with your Thanksgiving meal! I highly recommend checking out their is filled with a wealth of information … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
заказать аутрич sap s4hana cloudHow to Have the Best Fakesgiving EVER!
This cute Fakesgiving infographic by Kidecals reminds me of a funny story. To this day, my dad still brings up the green bean casserole incident. My office was having a potluck Thanksgiving celebration where each of the employees signed up to … [Read more...]
Do You Know What’s in Your Closet? Plus FREE Closet Audit Guide!
Do you REALLY know what is in your closet? I thought I did, and I also thought that I needed some more casual clothes. I went shopping, picking up some nice pieces at H&M, Nordstrom and J. Crew only to find out that I had some very similar … [Read more...]
Tried & True Spring Cleaning Tips!
Even though it is only mid-March, before you know it Spring will be here. That means warmer weather (hopefully), and the sometimes-dreaded Spring cleaning. I love this time of year though, even though the word “cleaning” is involved. … [Read more...]
His and Her Guide to Surviving the Office Holiday Party
Office parties can be the stuff of nightmares. Those colleagues you once admired and respected seem to have a personality transplant once the Scotch starts flowing. And if you are bringing your spouse along, the discomfort can be even worse. It’s … [Read more...]
An Important Question on Adult’s Minds For Halloween
...What wine do I pair with the candy I swipe from my kids? C'mon I know you are wondering (as was I). I found this handy dandy infographic from Vivino that can help! … [Read more...]
Maternal Mortality: The Facts & What You Can Do
I can't believe BlogHer has come and gone (as did our New York vacation)! I met so many interesting people and brands and I am slowly catching up and reconnecting. Now the topic I am discussing today is not an easy one. It's not about fashion, … [Read more...]
Coloring Easter Eggs
Are you like me and still have NOT colored your Easter eggs?! I even went out and bought these "fake" Easter eggs that I can color ahead of time and I won't have to worry about them going bad. LOL. They definitely won't now considering Easter is … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Better Clean Your Car for Spring
Spring is coming...I swear! I know the weather hasn't exactly been representing the proximity of Spring, but you have to think positively! This is the time of the year when I get an itch to clean, organize and purge. Now when it comes to my car, … [Read more...]
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