We all know that cigarettes are harmful to our health, but going through the process of quitting smoking is not a simple task. Despite the difficulty, this decision should be made today because quitting cigarettes simply saves lives. You should consider quit smoking help, to ensure that you are on the right path. We have collected some important reasons to quit smoking now and keep yourself and those around you safe.
1. Health hazards
We all know the association of lung cancer with smoking. This is how it looks in numbers: A man who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day is 23 times more likely to get lung cancer than a smoker who smokes just 5. Even among light smokers with up to four cigarettes a day there is a higher chance of developing lung cancer. But not only lung cancer endangers smokers, but also other types of cancer are associated with this habit, such as pharyngeal, palate and esophageal cancers, bladder cancers, pancreatic, kidney, and even stomach cancers. It is estimated that smoking causes about 20% of cancer deaths. Quitting smoking can dramatically reduce these dangers and also reduce the amount of smoke that you’re emitting to the people around you (such as your children).
2. Our senses will be sharpened
One of the common problems among smokers is impaired sense of taste and smell, two senses with a close connection to each other. In order to taste or smell like a non-smoker, you would need up to three times stronger stimulation – in essence, smoking weakens your senses of taste and smell. Weaning from cigarettes will sharpen the senses over time.
3. Improved body odor
Body odor affects many people but those who smoke are most likely to have odors cling to their clothing and bodies. Smoking also leads to bad breath, and so it is important that you take additional care with your dental hygiene. If you decide to quit smoking, all of the above will become improved and you are less likely to emit any odors.
4. Breathing improvements during the day and night
Cigarette smoking impairs breathing and also leads to snoring at night. Quitting smoking will make you go back to breathing properly and allow you to take in the right amount of oxygen. In the first days after you decide to quit smoking, bronchial relaxation occurs and there is a significant improvement in breathing. A few weeks after that, there is a significant improvement in lung function. Slowly your bothersome cough will disappear, and you may notice that you snore less and have a more restful night’s sleep (for all!).
5. Significant financial savings
Even if you are only a “light” smoker who finishes one box a week, the expense approaches a few thousand a year! And if you are a moderate smoker of one box a day, the expense still leaves a dent in your wallet. You can use the money that you save on your hobbies, aspirations or even your business venture. Saving money is going to be one great reason to quit smoking.
6. Higher efficiency at work
How many cigarette breaks do you have at work? How many of you stay in the office beyond the time required just because you spent time on multiple smoking breaks? Quitting smoking will lead to better efficiency simply because you will spend less time thinking about your next break. It will also allow you to stop dwelling on the next cigarette break and focus on your work which could lead to an improved working environment and even more achievements.
7. Improves the appearance of the skin
Cigarette smoking causes the loss of elasticity of the skin, accelerating the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. The appearance of the teeth can also be diminished when you are a heavy smoker and cause tooth loss. The accumulation of tar and nicotine stains causes damage to the blood flow to the teeth and gums and thus to gingivitis, an unpleasant mouth odor, and a yellow and damaged tooth appearance. Weaning from cigarettes will reduce the damage and teeth whitening will last for a long time when no new tar accumulates on it. Your skin will also remain clearer and less sunken over time.
8. A good example for children
Do you have children? They have probably already grumbled in front of you about the bad smell from the cigarettes. These toxins can also be passed on to babies and children and cause problems in their future life, including asthma. The probability that children of smokers will smoke themselves as early as adolescence is high. And if you smoke, how can you tell kids it’s dangerous? They surely won’t listen, which is why you can learn to practice what you preach and help them to lead a healthy lifestyle from a young age.
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