I can’t thank you enough for completing my short reader survey! My goal is to get to know what’s on your mind – what you like to read, want to see more of…you name it! I thought maybe you’d like to see what the overall results were. I found them very interesting and helpful in planning out my blog for 2015.

Most of you heard about Pellerini Proclaims from the Facebook page and others via friends. If you are not already a “fan” on my Facebook page, you can click HERE! Besides posting when a new blog post is up, I also share some cool articles and videos.
Over half of you have been reading my blog for over 6 months – thank you!!
When asked what other things could make Pellerini better, your responses were:
- More pictures of outfits
- Time management for the full-time mom
- Coupons/discounts
- Kids’ activities
- Healthy quick recipes
- Restaurant reviews
- Product reviews
- Giveaways
I can totally provide all of the above!
Your favorite posts, in order from most fave to lesser fave (is that English?!):
- Fashion on a Budget
- Product Reviews
- Recipes
- Beauty Picks
- How To’s
- Book Reviews
Last but not least, when you were asked what your favorite social media platform is, you responded (from most fave…)
Please click on any (or all) of the platforms above if you’d like to connect with me on them!
Please don’t wait until the next survey comes out to tell me what you’d like to see!!
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