Flowers are always a good move. Even better – a plant. I personally love plants because they last a LOT longer than flowers. Opt for a flowering succulent (very hardy plants – if I am able to keep the two I have alive then anyone can!) or maybe a rubber plant (mine is flourishing).
Gift cards are a super easy gift (although sometimes considered a bit less personal). Plus, you can purchase gift cards for major retailers and restaurant chains at more locations than ever – CVS, Walgreens, or Publix (or your local grocery store). I would recommend, if you don’t know exactly which one to get, go for the American Express or Visa prepaid gift card. It fits everyone!
Spa packages are always welcome! Is there a nail salon that your mom goes to every week? Grab her a gift certificate for a week or two of manis on you! (Don’t forget to include the tip as part of the gift.)
Schedule a lunch or dinner date with just you and your mom! If there is a movie you think that the both of you would like, then add that to the plans.
Are there any last minute gift ideas that you would like to share? Please post below!
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