After opening and managing six successful French bakery and bistros, as well as working for many years in the spa industry, Nicole knew that she needed to do something that would help fulfill her mission of helping others nourish themselves from the inside out.
Nicole set out to make something that was fun, useful, and practical, all while nourishing the soul of each individual.
Welcome The Spa Girl Life candles – hand-poured and vegan candles that are paired with healing crystals and a mantra.
When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
Happy! Also, I knew I wanted to help people but wasn’t sure how I was going to do it.
How did you come up with the idea for your business?
Candles, crystals and mediations are three of my favorite things. I was making some candles and dropped the crystals in. Almost at once, I dug them out, that was something that drove me crazy! When I received a candle with something inside it, I didn’t want to wait for the candle to be gone to enjoy my treasure. The crystals sitting outside the candle seemed a little lonely so I paired them with a guided meditation and voila! The mini first aid kit for the soul was born.
What is the biggest struggle you’ve encountered as an entrepreneur and how did you solve it?
When I opened my first business I felt like I had to do everything on my own. And the challenge with that is that I am not good at all aspects of starting a new business. Being able to allow myself to ask for help, and then take it was my biggest struggle. However, I will tell you that when I finally accepted the help, my struggles went away.
What do you think are the pros and cons of being a womanpreneur?
The pros are being your own boss, the confidence booster, and being in charge of your day. The cons are almost the same. It takes time to get a routine that works when you work for yourself. The key is to be patient with yourself and know that plenty of other women have been in the same situation.
Do you have any mentors or coaches that you work with?
My mentor is a billion-dollar brand builder, Patty Aubery. I also meet monthly with a MasterMind group of five other individuals who all collaborate and share ideas to help one another move their business forward.
What advice would you give to someone reading this that has the entrepreneurial “itch”?
Do it! There is an old saying, done is better than perfect. If you are feeling called to do something, listen to the call. It will be challenging at times but the payoff at the end is so worth it.
What is the secret to achieving work-life balance for you?
Every morning when I get up I make a list of five things that I am going to accomplish for the day. Each of the five covers different areas of my life. I try to include one thing that will move my business forward, one for health and fitness, one for community and giving back, one for personal development and one for recreation/free time. I don’t always get everything done but it does help to create a sense of balance.
How do you find inspiration?
I find most of my inspiration from being alone in nature. The way the leaves rustle in the wind, or the sound the ocean makes when the waves hit the shore all inspire me. That being said, I also find inspiration when I’m doing everyday tasks, like laundry, cleaning and cooking. Sometimes inspiration comes from the strangest places, I’ve learned to listen and write it down.
What is your favorite book?
Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, & More by Joe Vitale
What is your favorite quote?
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” -Thoreau
What do you do to decompress?
I like to light a candle, run the bath water with plenty of epsom salt and extra bubble bath. Then I turn the lights in the bathroom off, close my eyes, and rest my brain. If I didn’t finish what I wanted to do for the day, I let that go. If I got everything done, I smile and let it go.
Tea or coffee?
Favorite flower?
Connect with Nicole!
I am enjoying my Cosmic Karma candle and amazonite crystals. I love that Nicole provides two crystals – one for each hand – for when you meditate. (I also repeat the mantra frequently throughout the day and it has helped me center and focus….it’s genius).
The candles can be purchased on The Spa Girl Life website – and there are quite a few to choose from! Choose from abundance, bliss, inspiration, and/or compassion to name a few.
You can find Nicole and The Spa Girl Life candles on Instagram, Facebook, and of course on the website!
Which candle would be perfect for YOU?
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