Me time – what a great concept but so rare. You know what I am talking about – that quiet time where you can actually have the time to do something for yourself and not feel guilty, to not do something because you HAVE to but because you want to, something that makes YOU feel good.
I experienced that for a mind-blowing hour or so and it was amazing. My older son had a birthday party to go to at 2pm and the whole time I was internally willing that I didn’t have to stay at the party. He’s almost 9, when does the time come when we can drop off and go? It was finally time…
My husband had asked for me to pick up Starbucks on the way home, and as I pulled into the Starbucks shopping center my eyes went straight over to TJ Maxx…wow, I hadn’t been there in ages. R was home with my youngest son, who was playing with neighborhood kids, N was having a great time at the party…what would a few minutes perusing TJ hurt anyone?
I walked in, grabbed a cart and enjoyed the silent shopping experience. I wasn’t telling either of the boys that they need to stay in eye sight, that they couldn’t get candy/Pokemon cards/Skylanders for the 10th time, or shopping against the clock to get home for XYZ plans. I could relax. It was heavenly. I got the sports socks I was meaning to buy for the past 3 weeks, heat protectant for my hair, shorts for the boys, a few tank tops and a bathing suit cover-up, cool decorative pieces for our new bookcases in the living room…it was AMAZING. I didn’t get anything that wasn’t needed (I needed the tank tops – mine were getting old, I swear). Checking out was a breeze – I was so proud of the great things I purchased and thankful that I was able to do so. AND it was all in an hour.
I picked up the coffees and came home – huge grin on my face, refreshed, husband happy because I was happy (and everything was discounted and I had a reason for everything I purchased). That one short hour was the highlight of my weekend. It may sound pathetic to some, but that alone time doing what I love to do was priceless.
Mamma says
Good for you
Tara Newman says
Alone time is the best! I got a few hours to myself this weekend as well.