Back in the day I would be able to remember everything…well, at least a lot more than I can now. Due to a combination of a lot more responsibility with a family and full time job, coupled with aging – my need for lists has grown. It started small when I worked for D.R. Horton with sticky notes all over my monitor and then grew to a typed document. Once the kiddies came about, I needed more than my work task list; I needed a personal life task list!
I carried around handwritten lists until somewhat recently. There’s something about the handwritten list that I clung to…until I realized that my notebook was yet another item contributing to the weight of my bag. I started to use this app, Cozi (FREE!!) a few years back and would teeter back and forth between using it and a notebook. I finally fully gave in to its awesomeness. Beside the fact that everyone in the family can access it via any electronic device – phone, tablet, computer; it has kept me extremely organized.
I have a list of To Do lists and I can color code them to the family member they belong to.
I have shopping lists, a list for each store we go to. So when my husband calls me and asks what I need from Target, I just tell him to look in Cozi.
The calendar portion is VERY helpful. Between karate, basketball, dinners with my friends, my husband’s dinners with his friends, doctor appointments, date nights, etc. it is hard to remember everything! I input what’s going on, choose who is a part of the event, who needs to be made aware of it, reminders, notes, location…everything. When I remind my husband that I have dinner with Lauren and he’s like, “what?” I just tell him it’s in Cozi🙂
There’s also a journal, meals section where you can save recipes and make shopping lists based on what you are planning on cooking.
You can upgrade to the Cozi version – which adds a Contacts list, and Birthdays list, with no ads. I love it and my husband has grown to love it as well! Create a Cozi account for the whole family today, and keep your family’s schedules and lists organized in one shared calendar. It’s FREE!
**I am an affiliate for Cozi, and may receive compensation if you sign up for the app from one of my links. I highly recommend this app as it has helped me so much!
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