If you’re like me you’re looking high and low to find out how to shake off stress and promote wellness.
A few weeks back we interviewed Nicole Rosen of MizFit Inc., asking her to hone in on how we can best reduce stress and promote wellness for ourselves and our families.
What Can We Do?!
As moms we are teachers, custodians, nurses – we wear many hats. It is not easy to make the personal commitment to yourself when it comes to self care. There is no price tag on our health.
When we are in a stressful moment and we feel a lack of imbalance, we need to step back and realize that if we’re not good for ourself then how are we going to be good for our family, friends, and/or career.
It is so important create awareness of what is going on in our lives and what is creating that imbalance so that we can really focus on it and declutter it – shake it off!
Be selfish – know it is OK to take care of yourself. Have you ever felt guilty for not having dinner with your family one night to take a yoga class or join your friends for a happy hour? Do you feel that you are sacrificing that time for your family? You’re NOT. By taking the time to do these things will build us up and and makes us better in what we do.
We have to really take that time to cultivate for ourselves.
Guilt is always there and we need to alleviate ourselves from it. Understanding that it starts with us, we can then realize that we are role models for everyone important to us.
Guilt is a wasted emotion. There’s nothing that we could do other than be authentic to ourselves. You have to look at guilt, and again, shake it off!
In times like these – things are nuts, we’re always honing in on the negative or thinking, “Poor me. Why me? Why is this happening? What’s going on in the world?”.
Sometimes it’s just really nice to be reflective. Even in that toxicity or discomfort, lessons may come from that. You have to actually be grateful for the negativity and what comes out of it.
90% of the time when we’re stuck, something better is on the other end. Whatever it is – whether it’s in your career or your relationships, we’re so often like stay in our comfort zone. If you don’t take a breath and look at the gratitude around you, you’re going to miss it.
Embrace Gratitude
Write in a gratitude journal.
Write three things you are grateful for. It could be something very clear to you – something someone did for you, an experience, or appreciation for the beautiful tree outside your window. Recognize what’s around you and how you can bring that into your heart.
Embrace Happiness
Happiness can be defined in many ways. It could be:
- Reading a self-help book
- Journaling
- Going to happy hour with a friend every week at a certain time
- Drinking your favorite tea
Whatever it may be, it needs to be something that fills you in a special way.
Embrace Emotions
When we say emotional, we are talking about a hobby that you would do alone to elevate your emotions. Find something new (or old) that you do for yourself.
Maybe it is learning how to play a new sport or putting aside time to read that book that has been sitting on your nightstand for so long.
Embrace Your Social Life
It’s a bit “anti-social” so we need to be creative when it comes to the social life aspect. Maybe it is a zoom calls, make plans with friends doing something that builds you up.
Zoom happy hours were so popular when the pandemic first came about – bring it back! Schedule a watch party with friends whether it’s for your favorite sitcom or movie.
In-person events CAN happen, safely of course. Meet a friend at the beach for a sunrise walk.
Embrace Family
Embrace your family. This could encompass anything from dinners, to vacations or staycations, going for a bike ride, or weekly family movie nights.
Every Saturday Rich and I curate a charcuterie board and enjoy cheese, meat, and olives while playing a fun game of War.
Dinnertime has always been very important in our household. It’s when we are ALL together and can talk about our day. The dinner table has become the central location where communication between all of us seems to flow freely.
Embrace Movement
Research shows that exercise creates endorphins. Endorphins create pleasure – it’s what makes us happy. Go on a walk, take an exercise class, or even something as simple as walking upstairs. Movement is whatever you need to do to get your body moving so that you feel that pleasure center.
If you missed the interview, please check out the replay in our LIVE in the Lounge Video Vault!
About Nicole

Nicole Rosen, a former second-grade teacher turned health coach and hormone specialist. Her focus is on bringing awareness to busy moms who are so worried about taking care of their kids and not themselves. Nicole’s goal is to help her clients create balance.
Visit her website for more information about her dance program, Mizfit Dance and health and wellness program, Mizfit Wellness.
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