The last twelve months have seen households the world over become more focused on germs and how they spread than ever before. Typically people have viewed germs as something you might pick up out and about but the reality is they are everywhere, and your home is no different. The good news is there are steps you can take to help minimize the spread of germs and help keep you and your family fit and healthy.
Ensure your home is dry and well ventilated
High levels of moisture can make for a breeding ground of bacteria and worryingly it can be easy for moisture to build up in busy households. Showers, cooking, heating all contribute to the build-up of moisture on a daily basis so it is important to keep it well ventilated. Open a window, use extractor fans, dehumidifiers, or consider investing in purification technology such as those offered by ATC Heating and Air, which can help to sanitize 93.6% of airborne germs in two hours.
Be mindful of cleaning sponges and cloths
No doubt you use your cleaning sponge or cloth daily, ironically, to remove germs. However, these sponges or cloths are just as likely to be harboring bacteria and in turn, you could be inadvertently spreading bacteria around your home. To help keep your home germ free then take the time to disinfect your sponges and cloths or soak them in some boiling hot water. Don’t forget these sponges are not meant to last a lifetime so if it is looking a little worse for wear then it is time to throw it out and start using a new one.
Don’t forget the bins
While on the topic of disinfecting don’t overlook the bins. You use your bins to dispose of all sorts of waste. Leftover food packages or the food itself is a prime place for bacteria to bread. Even if you empty your trash cans regularly a build-up of germs and bacteria can still occur. To avoid this disinfect your bins regularly. It can be done with a cloth and some anti-bacterial spray or again using boiling water to wash them out. This simple and quick step will help to prevent the build-up of germs and in turn sickness and bugs coming into your home.
Wash your bedding
There is no greater feeling than getting into fresh sheets at the end of a busy day. Not only does this feel good it is doing you and your health good as well. Regardless of how clean you may be when you go to bed, you could have even just stepped out of the shower, regularly washing your bed sheets will actively reduce the spread of germs. While you sleep your body sheds dead skin cells, you may sweat, or dribble all of which contribute to the build-up of germs. Blast these germs away by washing your bed set at least once a week on a hot wash.
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