It’s the last Five for Friday for June. Now that I think of it, that is a bit scary…where did June go??? Before we know it, it will be Christmas time (gasp). Not to get ahead of myself, we haven’t even hit the Fourth of July! Do you have plans for the 4th? In the meantime, check out my latest favorite links and such from this week.
I have this thing for magazines – I get at least one daily in my mailbox. A few years ago I stumbled upon a digital magazine, Matchbook, and didn’t know how I would like it – almost like the debate over e-book vs traditional “hold in your hand and physically turn the pages” book. I actually liked the e-magazine. To my husband’s despair, if I found something highlighted in the e-magazine, I could click on it and it would take me to where I can find that “coveted scarf” or “shoes I HAD to have”. The closest thing to instant gratification. I came across Cupcake this week. Check them out if you get a chance!
I love dogs! Here is an article about 11 dog breeds you may not have heard of. I’d like one of each please!
I about cracked up when I read this article Cosmopolitan printed in 1970 of things to do with your hands that men like. Now don’t get all dirty on me…this was from 1970. OK maybe some of the items are a bit “sexy” as they put it…so funny though. Feed him grapes. Suurrreeeee…..
I want to learn to curl my hair (I think I may need more hair though). It is amazing how many YouTube videos you can find on this topic. Here is the one I am going to try to emulate this weekend.
I just need her hair.
I’m totally a visual person so this article on 18 helpful diagrams to solve all of your clothing woes is a favorite! This one made laugh:
Happy Friday!!
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