Day 11 of my 31 Day Challenge! I will always post my “Five for Friday” with my top 5 articles, videos, or images that I find throughout the week. In conjunction with my 31 Day Challenge theme of “Fashion for the Budget-Conscious Busy Woman”, I wanted to share some of my favorite fashion-related accessories under $25!
This Stella & Dot bracelet is simple yet elegant. You can pair it with other bracelets or wear it on its own.
Vintage Camera Scarf – 4 Colors!
Another great necklace option that would go with a white t-shirt and jeans or a simple dress…
The Daisy Bib Statement Necklace – 9 Colors!
Tartan scarf

Amanda Calitz says
thanks for your post!
Dana says
Thanks Amanda 🙂
Amanda says
Love all of these super cute accessories…and I especially love that the pictures include Pinterest buttons!
Dana says
Thanks Amanda! I’m glad you liked the accessories! The pinterest button addition, I believe is a plugin. I’ll find out and send you what the name of it is!
Tara Newman says
OMG – you are going to let me wear a tartan scarf? I love you to pieces!
dana says
Tara, of course! Plaid is in this season, and I totally thought of you when I picked that scarf 😉