I can’t believe that Fall is around the corner! YAY! Time for sweaters (light ones for Floridians – maybe?), leaves changing (not in Florida though), and the fresh smell of Fall (not so much in Florida either). 🙂
I love fashion, especially clothing for the colder months. It is so backwards for me, since I get to wear that type of clothing for about 6 days out of the year, but those 6 days are glorious – hee hee.
- Red and burgundy (not together)
- Black and white – solids together or print
- Warm and cozy sweaters
- Contrasting collars
- Metallic
- Reptile print
- Leather
- Military
- Jumpsuits
- Knee high boots
Over the next few posts I am going to highlight some of my favorites from each of the trends listed above. Some of them I may have to love from afar, some are from previous seasons which is great for your wallet (knee high boots) if you bought them in that previous season (which I didn’t).
You really have to do just one thing – wear what makes you feel beautiful, sexy and comfortable! I don’t know about you but when I have something on that is a little shlumpy, I feel shlumpy. OK…on to the next fun step…online shopping for trends!
photo credit: mod as hell via photo pin cc
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