I think that high heel shoes are sexy…they add that extra “pop” to an outfit, elongate your legs, make you taller (a big plus for petite me!)…
The main drawback to heels is that, after a short time, your feet begin to ache, throb, cry…you lower back may feel a bit achy as well as your legs. Why does something so beautiful have to inflict pain or discomfort?
I read about this new spray that states that, with application, it will relieve the pain in your feet (for about 3 hours) that come along with stiletto wearing. Heel No Pain, applicably named, may be the next “big” thing!
“It’s basically a painkiller with heat treatment, so it is able to penetrate the skin. The pain simply dissipates,” Heel No Pain’s inventor, Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Randal Haworth.
I read that it will be on sale in about two weeks on the product’s site, and then in Walgreens and Foot Locker. At $15 for 1 oz, it is a bit hefty, but if it will make my feet still love me at the end of the night – bring it on!
Anouk says
let me know if the stiletto spray works …
i recently got yoga toes (well an imitation one) and have been stretching my toes 😉