*Please note that was compensated to publish this post. I enjoy reading Paulo Coelho's works, especially some of his quotes. I was reading this book called ‘Eleven Minutes’ and this one touched my heart dearly - "I am two women: one who wants to … [Read more...]
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I Have a Dream Speech – 50 Year Anniversary
Have you ever really read the entire 'I Have a Dream' speech by Martin Luther King Jr.? If not, please check it out below. "I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the … [Read more...]
Healthy Eating
It is so important for me to provide healthy foods for my kids. My oldest used to be the pickiest eater, but since has opened up to trying new foods. My youngest is going to turn into a chicken nugget any day now. Or maybe a tater tot...I struggle … [Read more...]