While passing by the mall and the many big box retailers this past Friday, I kept thinking, "...and they say we are in a recession." You know those parking spots that are way, way far away that you usually drive past on the way to the closer spots? … [Read more...]
ThePokies net also features a variety of mobile games, allowing you to enjoy your favourite pokies games wherever you are!
Do You Know What Your Body is Doing Now?????
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually. … [Read more...]
What Do Your Feet Say About You?
After reading this on what my feet say about me, I have determined that I prefer to delegate things to others (ehhhh) and that I like the finer things in life (can't fight with that one!). What's funny is that on my left foot, the toes point toward … [Read more...]
Halloween Candy!
Halloween is synonymous with CANDY (ask my boys!). It is amazing how much candy is purchased (over $2 billion), and subsequently consumed due to this fun holiday. Check out the infographic below - it takes a humorous approach to what is actually … [Read more...]
Food and Expiration Dates
Did you ever wonder how long food truly stays "good" in your fridge? Do those expiration dates really depict when the food is "bad"? Having had food poisoning in the past, I definitely don't want to find out first-hand if the food item is bad by … [Read more...]
Digital Kids
What are your thoughts about the Facebook minimum age of 13? (Interesting how there are over 35%, based on this infographic, that are under the required age, yet still have a FB account!) by cesarojedac. Explore more infographics … [Read more...]