Now that the winter season is upon us, it is very important that we take good care of the garden and everything in it. Even in the colder months of the year your garden will continue to grow and change, and it’s important to keep on top of it to ensure it is healthy and tidy.
Today we are going to talk about some of the different ways that you can keep your garden nice and tidy in the winter and make sure that it doesn’t go out of control.
Get rid of weeds
The first thing you should consider in the winter for your garden is getting rid of any winter persuasive weeds such as Common Groundsel. You might think that once simmer is over no weeds will grow, but there will always be species thah thrive in cooler conditions. Make sure to check for weeds such as these and take some simple measures to clean them up and rid your garden of them.
Plant hardy bulbs
Autumn and winter might both seem like the last times to be planning ahead for spring – but in fact now is the ideal time to start planting some beautiful bulbs for the spring and summer seasons. One example of a bulb you would plant now is a tulip – it will take a while to grow and develop hence why getting it in the ground early is a great idea. This means once spring comes around it will be ready to come out of the ground and add some stunning colour and texture to the garden.
Pressure wash the patio
During the winter season the weather becomes a lot more unpredictable. Rain, sleet, snow, and wind will be rife in this season and this will move debris and dirt from the garden into your patio. To keep on top of it and ensure it is clean and safe to walk on, make sure to pressure wash the surface now and again. Pressure washing the patio will get rid of lichen and mould too to leave your back garden looking fresh and clean.
Trim the grass
After the summer is over it is all too easy to forget about the lawn and leave it to go wild over the winter. The rate of growth of your grass will indeed slow during the winter but it will not stop completely. Instead, it will continue to become unruly and it can make the garden look messy and unloved. Be sure to keep on top of the grass and give it a good trim in December, which should allow it to be fine until February.
Mulch your flowerbeds
Mow that all of your flowers and plants have died back, it is the ideal time for you to get outside with a trowel and mulch up your flowerbeds. Mulching simply means digging up the top layer of soil and turning it over to create a fresh layer. You can also add some more fresh compost here which will replace any nutrients lost over the summer and will promote healthy growth when spring comes along.
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