I hate to admit, but I somewhat look forward to football season. I make sure the boys have their favorite teams’ jerseys – yes, multiple…they are Florida-born but NY-bred and I can’t deny them or their dad. I also buy the requisite team t-shirt to support my husband more so than the team itself.
This is the time of year (and especially this year more than any other of the years gone by) on Sundays when my husband is religiously glued to the computer and television simultaneously, both little guys seated close by, watching the games of the day. N and G are really starting to understand the sport. I love listening to the boys ask why something happened or yell at the TV to a team member what to do – then looking at their dad who is so proud and excited to share this ritual with them.
Now, the boys don’t know his Fantasy Football side to the ritual – and that will NOT be divulged until they are 18 – but they do know that their dad enjoys the sport and will do whatever it takes to show him that they are into it as well. It cracks me up when N will read aloud a player’s name on the TV screen, mispronouncing it (as I would – some of those names are in no way phonetically spelled), spewing their latest touchdown or newly known fact. G will just jump around all over the place and repeat what the announcer said in a “can you believe it” voice. I LOVE IT!
I also love the fact that it (selfishly as it may sound) now gives me that extra few hours on Sunday to get stuff done. Whether it is errands, writing blog posts, or just catching up on my reading…it is bliss. My weekdays are filled with work (albeit I love where I work and who I work with!), manicures or pedicures squeezed into lunchtimes, and soon enough sports practices after the work days end. These few hours will mean more to me than some may know. Not that I don’t want to hang out with the boys and my hubby and watch football, but the fact that I can get some things done that I can not normally do so at lunchtime during the week is more than I can ask for!
So you see…football season and I have a new relationship. It is one of mutual respect. Now on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays – I may have a bone to pick.
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