The opinions expressed on this blog are my own and honest views.
All of the content on this blog is my own and copyrighted, including photographs. If content is used from an outside source it will be referenced.
The information contained in the blog posts is correct at the time of publication.
I am not medically qualified and information on this blog should not be treated as medical advice.
Product Reviews
I pay the costs associated with running this blog (domain hosting etc) out of my own pocket. Where I have posted a product review it will be because I genuinely enjoyed and am happy to recommend the product. If I have received the product as a gift or sample it will be made clear in the blog post.
I only accept products which fit with the character of this blog. I reserve the right not to feature a product which has been sent to me to sample on this blog. This can be for a variety of reasons but sometimes it’s simply because my other life takes over.
The fact that I have received a product to sample will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog.