I know I sound like an old lady when I say, “I don’t know where the time went…” but it’s so true. I look at the boys and they get taller overnight (or I’m getting shorter, but I like to think it’s the former). Facebook reminds me of time past every morning with its memories posts.
15 years ago today I said “Yes” after the most creative and romantic proposal I’ve ever heard of.
It was a Friday afternoon on February 15, 2002. I was at my desk, daydreaming out the window, waiting for the clock to read 5:00 so I could start my weekend. At about 3:00pm, the owner of the company came to my desk and said, “Pack up your stuff.” Note: my office was slowly laying people off and when you hear the phrase I had just heard, you think you are next – 3:00 pm on a Friday – the witching hour. After the fact, she told me I turned ghost white, but at the moment I grabbed my bag and followed her to the front door where there was a limousine waiting for me. Huh?!
The chauffeur opens the door for me and I climbed in as my coworkers wave to me – huh!? On the seat I find a sealed envelope with the letter M on it. I open the envelope and it is a letter from my then-boyfriend, telling me that I am going on a scavenger hunt. Still confused, and happy that I was not just laid off, I read that I was first going to a place where I needed to pick up a bottle of bubbly.
The limo took me to the Crown liquor store around the corner where I start looking for champagne. (Note: I have zero cash on me and no clue what to buy.) The lady behind the counter asks if I need assistance and I tell her I am looking for champagne. She presents me with a wrapped bottle from behind the counter, along with another sealed envelope with the letter A on it. I jump back into the limo, and rip open the envelope to read a beautiful poem and the next clue. Apparently the driver knows where to go, and next thing you know I am at the mall.
He dropped me off at one of the many entrances, and I rode the escalator up to the main floor. As I reached the top, a young guy that was just sitting on a nearby bench approached me and asked if I am Dana. OK, now this was getting eerie (exciting though!). He took me into Victoria’s Secret where I was handed a bag and the next clue with the letter R on the envelope. Each clue included a beautiful poem, the next location I needed to go to and a letter on the envelope.
After a while, I had gone to get candles at Pottery Barn, champagne glasses at Crate and Barrel and chocolate at Godiva. Each person that presented me with a gift and clue had huge smiles on their faces…they obviously knew more than I did! The letters that I collected were R, R, Y and M.
At this point I had champagne, lingerie, glasses to drink the champagne, candles, chocolate…and the letters spell out MARRY M…OMG
I flew down the escalator and into the limo. No one I called answered the phone. I was dizzy with excitement…could this be happening? Next thing you know I am at the Pier 66 Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. I went straight to the front desk where the person handed me an envelope and a key. The envelope letter was….E! Holy shit. Yeah…I was freaking out.
I ran to the elevator, practically running over the poor bellman who just wanted to ask me if I needed help with my bags. I got into the elevator with someone who at the time seemed like the chattiest guy I have EVER met and all I could think was, “Why is the elevator so darn sloooooowwwwww?”
Bing…I arrived at the 14th floor, ran to the room, opened the door and there was R on one knee in a candlelit room, with rose petals and roses all over. Of course I said yes, and hyperventilated a bit, and I know he said more than, “Will you marry me?” (which I made him repeat at dinner – the beginning of the proposal).
I don’t think this could have been any more romantic – the thought that was put into each step, the planning that was choreographed perfectly, the people that were involved, the FABULOUS ring. It was a fairytale come true. I tear up thinking that I am so lucky to have someone in my life that is so special and makes me feel even more special.

Betsy Schiffman says
Dana…that is so beautiful! I couldn’t help but feel your excitement …you are a very lucky woman, indeed, to have found your soulmate, and the love of your life.
Enjoy your journey, make the best of an already wonderful relationship, tell your husband very often what he means to you, and keep doing whatever you are doing..you got it right, and good for you!!!!